Click links below for Summaries:
- Aesp FDA and ESA Lilla Romeo
- Ann F Testimony FDA re Drug Development
- Annie Appleseed Project conference through the eyes of long
- CAM Conference REVIEW
- Cancer Control Society 1999
- documents_dr_lee_slide_talk_china_2014
- documents_Notes_from_Integrative_Medicine_Conference_Oct2013_annieappleseed
- documents REPORT Oncanp Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians 2013
- documents Society for Integrative Oncology 2013
- FDA Stakeholder Meeting on Dietary Supplements 1999 – 2000
- Fong in China -2006
- Helen Schiff Letter to the New York Times
- How to Survive._Breast Cancer Optionsdocx
- International Conference on Advocacy and the World Conference on Breast Cancer
- International Research Conference on Food 2005
- Intro to Meeting Summaries section
- January 2004 statement by Margaret Borwhat
- Key Elements of Health Reporting
- Letter Re Cancer drugs Carol Hochberg Ann F
- Letter re COX2 Inhibitors
- LGBT Advisory Council for Susan G
- Lies
- Listening at NCI NIH
- Livestrong Summit October 2006
- Living Beyond Breast Cancer, 2010
- NOAT on Nutrition
- Pharma Giveaways docx
- Serious Drug Toxicities Recognized During Postmarketing Surveillance
- Society for Integrative Oncology 2004 Ltr
- Summary of the White House Commission Meeting
- The Michigan Symposium for Integrative Oncology
- Two speakers from Nutritional Genomics