How to Survive & Thrive After Cancer, sponsored by Mid-Hudson Options Project (MHOP)
November 10, 2001, Kingston, NY Reported by Ann Fonfa
This conference was solely concerned with CAM for cancer patients.
The first speaker was Sat Dharam Kaur, ND (Canadian).
Kaur is the creator of “The Healthy Breast Program”, now in book form (available from her website www. Here is some of what she suggests to stay healthy:
1. Eat organic-she suggested that (male) organic farmers were found in a study, to have about twice the sperm count as non-organic in a European study. We will look for this reference. Organic means grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides or any organochlorines. She stated that this also supports a global ecology – protecting water sources from contamination, avoiding the use of hormone-disrupter chemicals, etc.
2. Be primarily vegetarian and have 6-9 servings of vegetables and fruits per day. A serving is equal to one whole fruit, 1/2 cup steamed vegetables, 1 cup salad, 1 tablespoon green powder (AKA green drinks like Greens + or Barleygreens, both organic contents, and there are many more choices).
3. Eat raw foods if your digestive system can handle it. Cooking can kill the enzymes in food and reduce some of the vitamin/mineral content.
4. Eat lots of Brassicas which are part of the cruciferous vegetables like collards, sorrel, radish, turnip, rutabaga, kolrabi. They are rich in Indole 3-carbinol (I3C). She mentioned Indolplex, a product from Tyler Co. which contains I3C. She stated that this helps with liver detox and suggested juice of carrot, beet, cabbage (can add green powder and ground flaxseeds.
In response to a question on the ‘sweetness’ of carrots and beets, she suggested that checking the glycemic index of a food is a good guide to how much sugar it contained.
She suggested adding seaweed to the diet to counteract a possible negative effect to the thyroid’s ability to use iodine.
5. Sprouts are rich in enzymes-suggested mung beans, red clover, flax, pumpkin and soy. She suggested that broccoli sprouts are particularly useful for detox and activate the liver’s phase II detox enzymes.
6. Garlic, onion and leeks are high in germanium and selenium. They are also protective from bacteria, yeast and fungi. They are sulphur-bearing and full of amino acids. They also help liver detox. 3 cloves daily for garlic.
7. Sea vegetables should be eaten daily – arame, nori, hijiki, kelp, dulse, watame and kombu. Both kelp and dulse come in powdered form and can be sprinkled on food. She suggested using nori (the wrap used in sushi) to roll up salad and other foods.
These foods are very alkaline. A question was asked about grains which are acid, except for millet. Beans are mixed. One can monitor ph of urine by means of a ‘strip’ available in drug stores. 6.8 to 7.2 is average.
8. Dandelion is a liver cleanser and helps decrease estrogen levels in the body. It can be used fresh, or as the root, stem, leaves or a tincture (combo of elements best). It should always be ORGANIC. She stated that Herbfarm or Gaia were good sources for a product. It can also be added to juice. Suggesting that kale, parsley, watercress, asparagus, bok choy or seaweed would go well.
9. Lycopene is good for protection for breast, prostate, mouth, esophogeal and cervical cancer. It is found in tomatoes (best cooked), guava, watermelon, grapefruit and rosehips.
10. Citrus juices and peels contain flavinoids. This includes oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, tangerines. Limonene, a cancer fighter, is also found in dill, caraway, cherries and mint.
She mentioned essential oils which could be used topically -lavender, lemon. They could be mixed with extra-virgin olive oil as a base. Rosemary and juniper oils would also be good. St. Francis oils is a company that sells in Canada.
11. Fats – Omega-3 essential fatty acids are very important, need 2 tablespoons per day. Avoid excessive Omega-6 (we need some -i.e.Evening Primrose). Olive oil contains Omega-9 and are good for us. AVOID hydrogenated oils. Read labels.
She mentioned Eskimo Free oil from Tyler as a good source of healthy fats.
12. Fiber, we need 30-40 grams daily. She suggested beans as one good source. 1/2 cup daily with kidney having the highest fiber content. She also mentioned bran.
13. Protein, 30-60 grams per day. If using a powder, it is best if it contains sulphur, whey, potassium.
14. Low salt/high potassium is desirable. Foods like kiwi, adzuke beans, squash, bananas, carrots or prune juice contain lots of potassium. This is very needed by cancer patients.
She mentioned shitake and maitake mushrooms, suggesting that 2 mushrooms a day for month, then take a short break would help to increase NK (killer cells). Or for a 150 lb person, 30-40 drops/day of a mushroom tincture would boost the immune system.
This led to further discussion of the immune system and she mentioned Turmeric which can help with liver detox, stops angiogenesis (development of unwanted blood vessels to a tumor), and goes well with soy. Rosemary helps with liver detox and Sage, Thyme and Ginger also have many uses.
She suggested it was good to alternate the healthy foods one eats – not use the same food over and over on a daily basis. She said this was better for one’s immune system. Changing the grains one uses is a good idea. An example might be to eat whole wheat (if not allergic), then switch to kamut, amaranth, quinoa, millet, barley or buckwheat.
If one is allergic to soy, it could cause gas and bloating.
She also mentioned that fish is an AVOID if pregnant or trying to be, due to the PCB’s and possible mercury contamination.
15. Dairy is mucous-forming and non-organically raised cows are treated with Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH).
AVOIDS include: white flour products, processed/canned foods, alcohol (in moderation only), salt and coffee. Sweets increase insulin production.
She suggested that no-flush niacin was not as good as the regular kind. She stated that IP6 works well for those who have P53 damage and that it should be used in a ratio of 4/1 (inositol to IP6). Dr. A. Hoffer uses 12,000 mgs/day.
Ann’s NOTE: Dr. Abram Hoffer practically invented orthomolecular medicine (the use of supplements to treat various illnesses).
Kaur also said that if one has cancer, calcium supplementation is not necessarily a good thing. The calcium/magnesium combination can alkalize the body and is a better choice.
She likes melatonin and suggested it is good with estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer.
NAC, N-acytel cysteine should NOT be taken with chemotherapy according to Kaur.
Alpha lipoic acid is good at 50-600 mgs. She did not discuss how one knew what amount was needed. (probably in her book).
Here is her suggestion for The Healthy Breast Diet:
On rising – green drink – either 1-3 tsps. Greens +, Pure Synergy, Barley Green, spirulina or other green powder in water or 1-3 ounces of wheatgrass juice followed by 2 glasses filtered or spring water, with a little lemon or lime juice added plus a pinch of cayenne pepper.
Breakfast – 1 cup whole grain cereal (use barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, quinoa, millet meal, amaranth, brown rice) with 2-3 tbsps freshly ground flaxseeds, 1 tbsp wheat bra (if tolerated), small amount of stevia, honey or maple syrup if desired, plus 1/2 -1 cup soymilk, OR fruit by itself.
Snack – 2 cups fresh vegetable juice especially carrot, beet, cabbage with 1 tbsp. dulse or kelp powder OR 1-2 pieces of fruit, especially cherries, apple, pear, banana, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, berries (ORGANIC a must), 2 glasses filtered or spring water or herbal tea (green tea, licorice, immune tonic tea, red clover, fenugreek, Pau D’arco, mint, dandelion, rosehip).
Lunch – 1-2 cups salad with cabbage (eaten at the beginning of the meal so their enzymes will aid digestion); 3/4 cup vegetables (at least 50% raw, including 1/2 cup Brassicas); 1/2 cup mung bean, red clover, sunflower, or broccoli sprouts (in salad or in bean and rice dish); 1-2 tbsps. flaxseed oil, as salad dressing, and over beans and grain; 1/2 -1 cup beans, with onion and garlic (hummus, bean dips, soup or bean and grain dish); 1/2 – 1 cup grain, preferably whole grain rather than flour products (rice, millet, barley, quinoa, buckwheat); 3-4 Shitake mushrooms
Snack – 1-2 tbsps raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, soy nuts and/or sunflower seeds; 2 cups vegetable juice (especially carrot, beet, cabbage, dulse powder with added watercress, parsley, kale, mustard greens, garlic, ginger, sprouts, dandelion greens, or [green] apple); 2 glasses filtered or spring water or herbal tea as above.
Dinner – green drink (as before breakfast, taken 1/2 hour before dinner); 1 cup salad with fresh sprouts, onions and garlic, raw sunflower or pumpkin seeds and grated citrus peel; 1/2 cup firm organic tofu; 1/2 -1 cup whole grains (wild rice, quinoa, millet, rice, barley, buckwheat) -omit this if you are food combining or wanting to lose weight); 3/4 cup vegetables, lightly steamed or raw; 1/2 cup red clover, sunflower, mung bean or broccoli sprouts; 2 tbsps sea vegetables (hijiki, arame, wakame, nori, dulse, kelp); 1-2 tbsps flaxseed oil and 1 tbsp olive oil as part of salad dressing or over grain or vegetables.
Snack – 2 glasses filtered or spring water or decaffeinated green tea; 1 cup Healthy Breast Drink (1 cup soy milk, 1 tsp turmeric paste, optional banana, blended or warmed).
Michael Schachter, MD
He proposed to discuss the benefits of complementary therapies while undergoing conventional therapies. In an alternative approach, it is assumed that the body can help heal itself given the opportunity. There is much less emphasis on JUST destroying cancer cells and much more given to prevention of spread (metastasis), control and QOL (quality of life).
He suggested that women avoid aluminum-including anti-perspirants as they ‘muck-up’ the immune system.
He said that indirect sunlight is important as it helps our bodies to produce melatonin at night.
High-dose Vitamin C induces hydrogen peroxide in all the cells (enzyme catalase converts it to water and oxygen in the cells). He suggested adding Vitamin K at 2500 mgs with alpha lipoic acid and selenium to help kill cancer cells. (see for more information).
He mentioned the new low dose chemotherapy method called metronomic dosing, and praised it. This method becomes an antiangiogenic therapy (destroying the blood vessels that feed tumors) rather than directly killing cancer cells as occurs with larger doses.
He told the audience that enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body, break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates into simpler substances; cooking destroys many enzymes so some raw food may be beneficial and therapeutic. When enzymes are taken between meals they are absorbed into the bloodstream and have many beneficial functions. And they have been shown to reduce tumor growth and the spread in animals (Rasberger).
Ann’s NOTE: See our Clinical Trials section for information on a trial using Wobe Mugo enzymes, also known as Wobenzymes.
Dr. Schachter also mentioned the brand Megazyme Forte along with WobenzymeN.
He said Maitake mushrooms were nontoxic and therefore did not need to undergo Phase I clinical trials. He said they were synergistic with Vitamin C.
The AVOID list he handed out was similar to that of Sat Dharam Kaur, ND but he added specific hydrogenated fats such as margarine, Crisco, mayonnaise and processed peanut butter. Saturated fats (butter, animal fats) may be used in moderation. Avoid frying in vegetable oil, use broth instead (or olive oil as long as garlic or onions are also used).
He suggested that we READ LABELS. Avoid artificial preservatives (e.g. BHA, BHT, MSG, nitrates, nitrites, sodium benzoate, etc.), commonly found in bread, crackers and cereals. Avoid all cured meats such as bologna, salami, frankfurters, corned beef and pastrami because they contain many chemicals and are very high in saturated fats.
Artificial coloring is also not recommended, commonly found in soda, certain candy, maraschino cherries, juice drinks, frankfurters, etc.
Avoid artificial flavoring too, commonly found in sodas, juices, certain ice creams, frozen pies and candy.
Also avoid artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (Nutrasweet), saccharine (Sweet ‘n Low), all diet sodas, any diabetic foods and other processed low calorie foods. It is better to use sugar than artificial sweeteners or carry Stevia (an herbal/natural sweetener).
Avoid Fluoride in water. Use spring or distilled or filtered water. Avoid fluoridated toothpaste.
Do not use aluminum or Teflon cookware since aluminum tends to accumulate in the body (may be a culprit in Alzheimer’s Disease) and Teflon may release fluoride. Use stainless steel, glass, enamel, corning or iron cookware.
Avoid electric blankets and water beds as they generate EMF (energy fields).
Avoid synthetic hair dyes which may increase the risk for bladder, brain and other cancers.
Use lipsticks that do NOT contain lead.
He suggested that metal rimmed eyeglasses may be problematic as the metal across the midline between the eyes may weaken a person’s energy field.
Tight clothing may restrict the lymphatic drainage system.
Avoid microwave ovens -they have a negative effect on food and there may be harmful radiation in the vicinity.
Ann’s NOTE: If you must use them, stand back. Some studies have shown that animals fed on microwaved food alone, fail to thrive. Also the beneficial ingredients in garlic are lost after just 2 minutes in the microwave. To avoid this, cut up the garlic and let it stand for at least 10 minutes.
Finally Dr. Schachter’s AVOID list suggests that it is possible to experience ‘withdrawal’ symptoms when giving up certain foods. Fatigue, headaches, or cravings during the first few days would be normal. Withdrawing can be done more gradually if necessary.
Ann’s NOTE: Many years ago I was told by an Applied Kinesiologist (form of chiropractic) that I was allergic to wheat. He suggested I avoid all wheat products for a week and then see him again. I went through every possible withdrawal symptom including headache, irritability, digestive upsets, and more. I called him to ask what he had ‘done’ to me. He said it was the toxins leaving my body. And I was persuaded!
This conference also had some individual workshops and I took one on Qigong for Cancer Healing. The leader, Cassia Berman taught us one move as a beginning. This is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine and involves bringing energy or Qi into the body.
Stories abound about cancer cures by people using this method.
The second workshop I attended was led by Annie Berthold-Bond who writes a column/newsletter on Safe, Healthy Places to live. One way to access this is on Her advice is excellent and all natural.
She stated that one only needs a few items to clean the whole house safely – baking soda, washing soda (found in the laundry section), white vinegar and lemon juice and liquid soaps and detergent.
She gave some examples for cleaning such as using washing soda for stove tops, floors, including outdoors, using vinegar and baking soda to clear a drain. Pour 1 cup of baking soda followed by 3 cups of boiling water. This should be done from time to time to keep drains clear. If the baking soda is not working, then try the vinegar afterwards. NEVER use commercial products or lye. To get rid of hair, you can use an enzyme product.
She said the various citrus products on the market are too strong and too volatile.
She said you could scrub mold with Borax (there are some problems with it, but it can be used if really needed). Tea tree oil mixed with water might work as well.
Soap is made from fats and lye. Detergents are synthetic materials created early in the last century. “Unlike soap, detergents are designed specifically so that they don’t react with hard water minerals and cause soap scum. If you have hard water, buy a biodegradable detergent without perfumes; if you have soft water you can use a liquid soap (both are available in healthfood stores)”.
“There are many essential oils, such as lavender, clove and tea tree oil (an excellent natural fungicide), that are very antiseptic and as is grapefruit seed extract, even though they aren’t registered as such (with the EPA).
Use one teaspoon of essential oil to 2 cups of water in a spray bottle (make sure to avoid the eyes). A grapefruit seed extract spray can be made by adding 20 drops of extract to a quart of water.” For tea tree oil, use 2 teaspoons to 2 cups of water. (strong smell).
For automatic dishwashers, she mentioned the powder product by Seventh Generation.
She has lots more information, including how to help keep pets bug-free, and nontoxic ways to deal with pests of all kinds and much more.
This conference was solely concerned with CAM for cancer patients.
The first speaker was Sat Dharam Kaur, ND (Canadian).
Kaur is the creator of “The Healthy Breast Program”, now in book form (available from her website www. Here is some of what she suggests to stay healthy:
1. Eat organic-she suggested that (male) organic farmers were found in a study, to have about twice the sperm count as non-organic in a European study. We will look for this reference. Organic means grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides or any organochlorines. She stated that this also supports a global ecology – protecting water sources from contamination, avoiding the use of hormone-disrupter chemicals, etc.
2. Be primarily vegetarian and have 6-9 servings of vegetables and fruits per day. A serving is equal to one whole fruit, 1/2 cup steamed vegetables, 1 cup salad, 1 tablespoon green powder (AKA green drinks like Greens + or Barleygreens, both organic contents, and there are many more choices).
3. Eat raw foods if your digestive system can handle it. Cooking can kill the enzymes in food and reduce some of the vitamin/mineral content.
4. Eat lots of Brassicas which are part of the cruciferous vegetables like collards, sorrel, radish, turnip, rutabaga, kolrabi. They are rich in Indole 3-carbinol (I3C). She mentioned Indolplex, a product from Tyler Co. which contains I3C. She stated that this helps with liver detox and suggested juice of carrot, beet, cabbage (can add green powder and ground flaxseeds.
In response to a question on the ‘sweetness’ of carrots and beets, she suggested that checking the glycemic index of a food is a good guide to how much sugar it contained.
She suggested adding seaweed to the diet to counteract a possible negative effect to the thyroid’s ability to use iodine.
5. Sprouts are rich in enzymes-suggested mung beans, red clover, flax, pumpkin and soy. She suggested that broccoli sprouts are particularly useful for detox and activate the liver’s phase II detox enzymes.
6. Garlic, onion and leeks are high in germanium and selenium. They are also protective from bacteria, yeast and fungi. They are sulphur-bearing and full of amino acids. They also help liver detox. 3 cloves daily for garlic.
7. Sea vegetables should be eaten daily – arame, nori, hijiki, kelp, dulse, watame and kombu. Both kelp and dulse come in powdered form and can be sprinkled on food. She suggested using nori (the wrap used in sushi) to roll up salad and other foods.
These foods are very alkaline. A question was asked about grains which are acid, except for millet. Beans are mixed. One can monitor ph of urine by means of a ‘strip’ available in drug stores. 6.8 to 7.2 is average.
8. Dandelion is a liver cleanser and helps decrease estrogen levels in the body. It can be used fresh, or as the root, stem, leaves or a tincture (combo of elements best). It should always be ORGANIC. She stated that Herbfarm or Gaia were good sources for a product. It can also be added to juice. Suggesting that kale, parsley, watercress, asparagus, bok choy or seaweed would go well.
9. Lycopene is good for protection for breast, prostate, mouth, esophogeal and cervical cancer. It is found in tomatoes (best cooked), guava, watermelon, grapefruit and rosehips.
10. Citrus juices and peels contain flavinoids. This includes oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, tangerines. Limonene, a cancer fighter, is also found in dill, caraway, cherries and mint.
She mentioned essential oils which could be used topically -lavender, lemon. They could be mixed with extra-virgin olive oil as a base. Rosemary and juniper oils would also be good. St. Francis oils is a company that sells in Canada.
11. Fats – Omega-3 essential fatty acids are very important, need 2 tablespoons per day. Avoid excessive Omega-6 (we need some -i.e.Evening Primrose). Olive oil contains Omega-9 and are good for us. AVOID hydrogenated oils. Read labels.
She mentioned Eskimo Free oil from Tyler as a good source of healthy fats.
12. Fiber, we need 30-40 grams daily. She suggested beans as one good source. 1/2 cup daily with kidney having the highest fiber content. She also mentioned bran.
13. Protein, 30-60 grams per day. If using a powder, it is best if it contains sulphur, whey, potassium.
14. Low salt/high potassium is desirable. Foods like kiwi, adzuke beans, squash, bananas, carrots or prune juice contain lots of potassium. This is very needed by cancer patients.
She mentioned shitake and maitake mushrooms, suggesting that 2 mushrooms a day for month, then take a short break would help to increase NK (killer cells). Or for a 150 lb person, 30-40 drops/day of a mushroom tincture would boost the immune system.
This led to further discussion of the immune system and she mentioned Turmeric which can help with liver detox, stops angiogenesis (development of unwanted blood vessels to a tumor), and goes well with soy. Rosemary helps with liver detox and Sage, Thyme and Ginger also have many uses.
She suggested it was good to alternate the healthy foods one eats – not use the same food over and over on a daily basis. She said this was better for one’s immune system. Changing the grains one uses is a good idea. An example might be to eat whole wheat (if not allergic), then switch to kamut, amaranth, quinoa, millet, barley or buckwheat.
If one is allergic to soy, it could cause gas and bloating.
She also mentioned that fish is an AVOID if pregnant or trying to be, due to the PCB’s and possible mercury contamination.
15. Dairy is mucous-forming and non-organically raised cows are treated with Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH).
AVOIDS include: white flour products, processed/canned foods, alcohol (in moderation only), salt and coffee. Sweets increase insulin production.
She suggested that no-flush niacin was not as good as the regular kind. She stated that IP6 works well for those who have P53 damage and that it should be used in a ratio of 4/1 (inositol to IP6). Dr. A. Hoffer uses 12,000 mgs/day.
Ann’s NOTE: Dr. Abram Hoffer practically invented orthomolecular medicine (the use of supplements to treat various illnesses).
Kaur also said that if one has cancer, calcium supplementation is not necessarily a good thing. The calcium/magnesium combination can alkalize the body and is a better choice.
She likes melatonin and suggested it is good with estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer.
NAC, N-acytel cysteine should NOT be taken with chemotherapy according to Kaur.
Alpha lipoic acid is good at 50-600 mgs. She did not discuss how one knew what amount was needed. (probably in her book).
Here is her suggestion for The Healthy Breast Diet:
On rising – green drink – either 1-3 tsps. Greens +, Pure Synergy, Barley Green, spirulina or other green powder in water or 1-3 ounces of wheatgrass juice followed by 2 glasses filtered or spring water, with a little lemon or lime juice added plus a pinch of cayenne pepper.
Breakfast – 1 cup whole grain cereal (use barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, quinoa, millet meal, amaranth, brown rice) with 2-3 tbsps freshly ground flaxseeds, 1 tbsp wheat bra (if tolerated), small amount of stevia, honey or maple syrup if desired, plus 1/2 -1 cup soymilk, OR fruit by itself.
Snack – 2 cups fresh vegetable juice especially carrot, beet, cabbage with 1 tbsp. dulse or kelp powder OR 1-2 pieces of fruit, especially cherries, apple, pear, banana, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, berries (ORGANIC a must), 2 glasses filtered or spring water or herbal tea (green tea, licorice, immune tonic tea, red clover, fenugreek, Pau D’arco, mint, dandelion, rosehip).
Lunch – 1-2 cups salad with cabbage (eaten at the beginning of the meal so their enzymes will aid digestion); 3/4 cup vegetables (at least 50% raw, including 1/2 cup Brassicas); 1/2 cup mung bean, red clover, sunflower, or broccoli sprouts (in salad or in bean and rice dish); 1-2 tbsps. flaxseed oil, as salad dressing, and over beans and grain; 1/2 -1 cup beans, with onion and garlic (hummus, bean dips, soup or bean and grain dish); 1/2 – 1 cup grain, preferably whole grain rather than flour products (rice, millet, barley, quinoa, buckwheat); 3-4 Shitake mushrooms
Snack – 1-2 tbsps raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, soy nuts and/or sunflower seeds; 2 cups vegetable juice (especially carrot, beet, cabbage, dulse powder with added watercress, parsley, kale, mustard greens, garlic, ginger, sprouts, dandelion greens, or [green] apple); 2 glasses filtered or spring water or herbal tea as above.
Dinner – green drink (as before breakfast, taken 1/2 hour before dinner); 1 cup salad with fresh sprouts, onions and garlic, raw sunflower or pumpkin seeds and grated citrus peel; 1/2 cup firm organic tofu; 1/2 -1 cup whole grains (wild rice, quinoa, millet, rice, barley, buckwheat) -omit this if you are food combining or wanting to lose weight); 3/4 cup vegetables, lightly steamed or raw; 1/2 cup red clover, sunflower, mung bean or broccoli sprouts; 2 tbsps sea vegetables (hijiki, arame, wakame, nori, dulse, kelp); 1-2 tbsps flaxseed oil and 1 tbsp olive oil as part of salad dressing or over grain or vegetables.
Snack – 2 glasses filtered or spring water or decaffeinated green tea; 1 cup Healthy Breast Drink (1 cup soy milk, 1 tsp turmeric paste, optional banana, blended or warmed).
Michael Schachter, MD
He proposed to discuss the benefits of complementary therapies while undergoing conventional therapies. In an alternative approach, it is assumed that the body can help heal itself given the opportunity. There is much less emphasis on JUST destroying cancer cells and much more given to prevention of spread (metastasis), control and QOL (quality of life).
He suggested that women avoid aluminum-including anti-perspirants as they ‘muck-up’ the immune system.
He said that indirect sunlight is important as it helps our bodies to produce melatonin at night.
High-dose Vitamin C induces hydrogen peroxide in all the cells (enzyme catalase converts it to water and oxygen in the cells). He suggested adding Vitamin K at 2500 mgs with alpha lipoic acid and selenium to help kill cancer cells. (see for more information).
He mentioned the new low dose chemotherapy method called metronomic dosing, and praised it. This method becomes an antiangiogenic therapy (destroying the blood vessels that feed tumors) rather than directly killing cancer cells as occurs with larger doses.
He told the audience that enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body, break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates into simpler substances; cooking destroys many enzymes so some raw food may be beneficial and therapeutic. When enzymes are taken between meals they are absorbed into the bloodstream and have many beneficial functions. And they have been shown to reduce tumor growth and the spread in animals (Rasberger).
Ann’s NOTE: See our Clinical Trials section for information on a trial using Wobe Mugo enzymes, also known as Wobenzymes.
Dr. Schachter also mentioned the brand Megazyme Forte along with WobenzymeN.
He said Maitake mushrooms were nontoxic and therefore did not need to undergo Phase I clinical trials. He said they were synergistic with Vitamin C.
The AVOID list he handed out was similar to that of Sat Dharam Kaur, ND but he added specific hydrogenated fats such as margarine, Crisco, mayonnaise and processed peanut butter. Saturated fats (butter, animal fats) may be used in moderation. Avoid frying in vegetable oil, use broth instead (or olive oil as long as garlic or onions are also used).
He suggested that we READ LABELS. Avoid artificial preservatives (e.g. BHA, BHT, MSG, nitrates, nitrites, sodium benzoate, etc.), commonly found in bread, crackers and cereals. Avoid all cured meats such as bologna, salami, frankfurters, corned beef and pastrami because they contain many chemicals and are very high in saturated fats.
Artificial coloring is also not recommended, commonly found in soda, certain candy, maraschino cherries, juice drinks, frankfurters, etc.
Avoid artificial flavoring too, commonly found in sodas, juices, certain ice creams, frozen pies and candy.
Also avoid artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (Nutrasweet), saccharine (Sweet ‘n Low), all diet sodas, any diabetic foods and other processed low calorie foods. It is better to use sugar than artificial sweeteners or carry Stevia (an herbal/natural sweetener).
Avoid Fluoride in water. Use spring or distilled or filtered water. Avoid fluoridated toothpaste.
Do not use aluminum or Teflon cookware since aluminum tends to accumulate in the body (may be a culprit in Alzheimer’s Disease) and Teflon may release fluoride. Use stainless steel, glass, enamel, corning or iron cookware.
Avoid electric blankets and water beds as they generate EMF (energy fields).
Avoid synthetic hair dyes which may increase the risk for bladder, brain and other cancers.
Use lipsticks that do NOT contain lead.
He suggested that metal rimmed eyeglasses may be problematic as the metal across the midline between the eyes may weaken a person’s energy field.
Tight clothing may restrict the lymphatic drainage system.
Avoid microwave ovens -they have a negative effect on food and there may be harmful radiation in the vicinity.
Ann’s NOTE: If you must use them, stand back. Some studies have shown that animals fed on microwaved food alone, fail to thrive. Also the beneficial ingredients in garlic are lost after just 2 minutes in the microwave. To avoid this, cut up the garlic and let it stand for at least 10 minutes.
Finally Dr. Schachter’s AVOID list suggests that it is possible to experience ‘withdrawal’ symptoms when giving up certain foods. Fatigue, headaches, or cravings during the first few days would be normal. Withdrawing can be done more gradually if necessary.
Ann’s NOTE: Many years ago I was told by an Applied Kinesiologist (form of chiropractic) that I was allergic to wheat. He suggested I avoid all wheat products for a week and then see him again. I went through every possible withdrawal symptom including headache, irritability, digestive upsets, and more. I called him to ask what he had ‘done’ to me. He said it was the toxins leaving my body. And I was persuaded!
This conference also had some individual workshops and I took one on Qigong for Cancer Healing. The leader, Cassia Berman taught us one move as a beginning. This is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine and involves bringing energy or Qi into the body.
Stories abound about cancer cures by people using this method.
The second workshop I attended was led by Annie Berthold-Bond who writes a column/newsletter on Safe, Healthy Places to live. One way to access this is on Her advice is excellent and all natural.
She stated that one only needs a few items to clean the whole house safely – baking soda, washing soda (found in the laundry section), white vinegar and lemon juice and liquid soaps and detergent.
She gave some examples for cleaning such as using washing soda for stove tops, floors, including outdoors, using vinegar and baking soda to clear a drain. Pour 1 cup of baking soda followed by 3 cups of boiling water. This should be done from time to time to keep drains clear. If the baking soda is not working, then try the vinegar afterwards. NEVER use commercial products or lye. To get rid of hair, you can use an enzyme product.
She said the various citrus products on the market are too strong and too volatile.
She said you could scrub mold with Borax (there are some problems with it, but it can be used if really needed). Tea tree oil mixed with water might work as well.
Soap is made from fats and lye. Detergents are synthetic materials created early in the last century. “Unlike soap, detergents are designed specifically so that they don’t react with hard water minerals and cause soap scum. If you have hard water, buy a biodegradable detergent without perfumes; if you have soft water you can use a liquid soap (both are available in healthfood stores)”.
“There are many essential oils, such as lavender, clove and tea tree oil (an excellent natural fungicide), that are very antiseptic and as is grapefruit seed extract, even though they aren’t registered as such (with the EPA).
Use one teaspoon of essential oil to 2 cups of water in a spray bottle (make sure to avoid the eyes). A grapefruit seed extract spray can be made by adding 20 drops of extract to a quart of water.” For tea tree oil, use 2 teaspoons to 2 cups of water. (strong smell).
For automatic dishwashers, she mentioned the powder product by Seventh Generation.
She has lots more information, including how to help keep pets bug-free, and nontoxic ways to deal with pests of all kinds and much more.