An Internet friend, MH sent her notes from the September 1999 Cancer Control Society Conference on Alternative treatments.
This organization has an annual meeting where speakers talk about some of the clinics and hospitals offering “alternative” therapies. They also run a clinic tour where people are driven from one clinic to another, meet patients and view the facilities. Here are some excerpts:
Dr. Aristo Vojdani, MD suggested that two major causes of cancer are smoking and diet. He stressed the use of antioxidants-Vit. C, E. selenium and Vit. A/carotenes, suggesting that they could improve natural killer (NK) cells. Much of his presentation was focused on dietary changes and the results achievable. Contact him at (310) 657-1077 in Beverly Hills, CA.
Dr. Michael Bennett of the University of CA, SF Pharm talked about flaxseeds suggesting that the golden seeds were of greater value than the brown ones. ¼ cup per day contains enough lignans needed for cardiovascular problems as well as prevention/treatment of breast cancer. He said it might also help with hot flashes. You need to grind the seeds until fine before using- you can safely grind a 5-day supply if it is stored in the refrigerator. He mentioned a company that offered gold flaxseeds-Heintzman Farms, (877) 439-7611 or
Dr. Samuel Epstein spoke about the cancer epidemic. He is the author of several books including “The Politics of Cancer”. He suggested that water, consumer products, the workplace and other environmental issues contribute enormously to the problems. He mentioned studies that demonstrate that aspirin acts as a COX2 inhibitor and can reduce breast cancer risk if taken 3 times a day for five years. (1966 study showed 30% reduction).
He also argued against pre-menopausal mammography, since it is not very valid due to dense breast tissue, and exposes women to ionizing radiation unnecessarily. He also suggests avoiding or reducing use of alcohol, giving up smoking, not using dark hair dyes and emphasized exercise. He spoke against using long-term oral contraceptives, use of hormone replacement therapy, use of anti-hypertensives, silicone-gel breast implants, diet high in animal fats and dairy products containing rBGH (bovine growth hormone), and warned of the dangers of household chemicals.
Ann’s NOTE: See the section under environment that offers alternatives to commercial cleaning products.
Peter Chowka, a journalist spoke about the powerful, anecdotal evidence of the efficacy of the Hoxsey formula and Centro BioMedico (a treatment center). He mentioned that the University of Texas/Alt Med Ctr. offers information on this.
Hospital Santa Monica-Dr. Kurt Donsbach discussed the therapies offered at his clinic which includes cartilage, oxygen therapy, Rife, IP6, Resveratrol (grape seed extract anti-oxidant), Arginine, Curcumin, NTO and lactoferrin. He told the audience that arginine inhibits tumor growth and can prevent liver/kidney metastasis. Curcumin is good for colon cancer and is an inhibitor of tumor promotion, reducing incidence of adenomas (non-malignant tumors). Lactoferrin is said to reduce free iron in the blood and prevent metastases, good for pancreatic cancer and leukemia.
NTO can fill a growth receptor site on a cancer cell, but it must be taken for life. He also mentioned CoQq10, Lycopene, Genistein, Vitamin D, Retinoic Acid (a form of Vitamin A), Melatonin, DHEA, Green Tea extract, Germanium, hyperthermia, UV irradiation of the blood, bio-magnets and oxygen therapy.
Ann’s NOTE: The cost of these treatment may add up to quite a lot of money and is probably not reimbursable. Many of the things he mentions ARE known to be cancer fighters. Donsbach tends to talk in terms of cure. Nowadays we consider that cancer can be treated as a chronic disease but needs constant attention. (No longer in business)
American Metabolic Institute-Dr. Geronimo Rubio told the audience that they offer the Rife frequency generator, sometimes in conjunction with low dose radiation (1/10 of the usual amount). They have used chemotherapy as well. A poultice of green cabbage leaves can remove radiation toxins. He said that a bath of sea salt or sodium bicarbonate, ginger and IV EDTA (chelation) would help rid the body of toxins from chemotherapy. They also use an autologous vaccine therapy (from patient’s own blood, urine or tumor tissue) given intravenously for five years or more. Enzymes are also used. There is a strong focus on diet, both macrobiotic and blood type. Coffee enemas and colonics are given. Colostrum is used to protect the intestines. They also use herbs such as Cat’s Claw, Essiac. Cuachalate tea (check out, a hormone blocker and Pau D’Arco.
There are other therapies offered at this clinic as well including lipids, oxygen, Laetrile, shark cartilage, peptides and Clodronate (a treatment for bone mets) with Poly-MVA. They teach patients to use visualization, believe in ultrasounds and do both a DNA and the AMAS test.
Ann’s NOTE: AMAS is a blood test that is said to be predictive of cancer up to 18 months. Blood is sent to Boston for this test. Patient or doctor has to call for a special kit. See Ann’s Bio for some of my take on this.
Daniel Nadeau ([email protected]) spoke about the importance of intestinal health for overall well being. Nutraflora FOS, a substrate for bifidobacteria, can lower cholesterol and prevent tumors. He said that short-chained FOS can improve mineral and bone absorption.
An enema with scFOX can be particularly helpful in reducing inflammation, but suggested that fiber is better than relying on enemas. FOS is in many Japanese foods. It is beneficial for osteoporosis, liver and renal disease, and useful after chemotherapy and radiation. He said that the product Ensure with FOS is useful and is sold as a supplement at health food stores.
Elaine Teune, a resource person, spoke about a Rife machine she considers superior to most on the market today. It is called Biotec 2000. She mentioned a metabolic testing kit that sells for $79.95 and helps you determine what supplements you need.
Frank Schallenberger, MD of Carson City, NV has been working with ozone therapy for twenty years. He said it was inexpensive, but should not be used as a primary cancer therapy. He suggested it would be helpful before and after chemotherapy since it can increase tissue oxidation, and is alkalizing. He said it was helpful for lung, vaginal, rectal and bladder cancer. He also works by injecting ozone into parts of the body.
This is called Major Auto Hemotherapy (MAH). It is intra-muscular (IM), re-infused blood into the body or by intravenous ozonated saline. This therapy was said to help people with diabetes, hepatitis, chronic fibromyalgia, acute infections, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular, osteoarthritis, chronic pain syndromes and gangrene. (570) 524-5004
Hal Huggins, DDS of Colorado Springs, CO is well known for his championship of removing mercury fillings. He had or has a laboratory that used blood samples to tell patients what materials to avoid when having cavities filled. He said to avoid gold and nickel crowns. Also not to use copper in the mouth. He referred the audience to Dr. Morales of Puerto Vallarta for a removal program at a cost of $3000.
Dr. Douglas Brody of Reno, NV spoke about compassionate care. He discussed his protocol which consists of infusions: sterile water, Potassium chloride, Magnesium sulfate, Selenium, Manganese, Glutathione, Germanium, Zinc, Chromium, Molybdenum, Folic Acid, B complex, Pyridoxine, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium, Gluconate and Cyanosoblamin (??). He adds DMSO for brain and leukemia patients. He also gives super C infusions consisting of dextrose and beet-derived C, Calcium gluconate, Magnesium sulfate, Potassium chloride, Sodium bicarbonate. He also gives insulin prior to these Super C infusions. Insulin apparently acts to enhance the activity and transport of the infusion. Higher blood sugar will nullify those effects. Cancer cells like glucose and do not like potassium.
For oral supplements, he recommends: Multivitamin B complex, glutathione, selenium, Vitamin C (6,000-12,000 mgs) in divided dosage, Beta 1, 3 glucan (one cap twice a day), IP6 (2 caps 3 times daily before meals), Amygdalin (500mgs 3 times daily with meals-this is also known as Laetrile), hydrazine sulfate Ann’s NOTE: Please see the section on hydrazine sulfate under Consumer’s View of Alt Med for the many foods to avoid when using hydrazine sulfate), pycnogenol, thymus, CoQ10, and Vitamin E.
For lymphoma patients he adds Butyrate (Butyrex) 2 caps three times with meals. For melanoma he adds azelaic acid (1.5 mg four times a day with meals), interferon injection, Butyrate and L-Carnitine (one cap three times a day). Azelaic acid is non-toxic, being studied in Italy and works by inhibiting tyrosine; it is used in conjunction with L-Carnitine. Glutathione restores liver function, which enhances detox and the immune system.
Dan Rogers, MD, ISSELS/CHIPSA (Gerson Research Organization) reported using urea/creatine by injection directly into the tumor site. They are also using a hyperbaric chamber. For Hodgkin’s and thyroid patients, they are using the Issels vaccine therapy as well as Govallo VG 1000 as a vaccine. Coley’s toxins are given to speed up a fever reaction. Other protocol substances include high Potassium, cod liver oil, raw fruits and vegetables, enzymes and chelation. Dr. Rogers stated that they are having good success in reducing tumors in melanoma, breast, astrocytoma and lymphoma patients, claiming a 28% overall patient survival rate which includes many Stage3 and 4 patients. (Dr. Rogers is no longer associated with CHIPSA)
Ann’s NOTE: See the section labeled Gerson Clinic/Mexico in which I describe my 1996 stay at this clinic, there is also a link to it.
Stanley Jacob of Health Sciences University, Portland, OR. is known as the “father of DMSO”. He was given the Humanitarian award by the Cancer Control Society. There are now over 55,000 articles on DMSO but it is still not recognized as a valuable substance by “the establishment”.
He told the audience that DMSO can help Alzheimer patients, stroke and spinal cord injuries. Of 20 patients with head injuries, fourteen survived. Jacobs says he has helped two patients in situations similar to Chris Reeves who walked out after being treated by DMSO shortly after their accidents. The major component of DMSO is demethylsulfone, which is converted into MSM. MSM is a nutritional supplement that relieves pain and reduces inflammation. DMSO is the premier maturation agent for malignant cells and ‘pushes’ them along to become normal. In rodents, MSM delayed the onset of cancer. DMSO can last a long time but must not be exposed to sunlight. In response to a question from the audience, he said DMSO could carry herbs if their molecular weight was under 1000.
Arthur Alexander spoke about Hans Nieper’s work and the importance of maintaining mineral transport balance. Using Potassium, Magnesium, Aspartic acid, and Selenium. He also mentioned sereptase enzymes, Laetrile, squaline (shark liver oil), bezaldehyde and Venus Fly trap (Carnivora).
Ann’s NOTE: Hans Nieper was a German physician who ran a clinic that treated cancer patients with much success.
Dr. Lorraine Day is an orthopedic surgeon at the University of California, SF who was diagnosed in 1992 with invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. She tried many different approaches including a vegetarian diet and juicing. She got a recurrence and her tumor grew to the size of a grapefruit. She then tried the (Charlotte) Gerson approach, macrobiotics, high-dose Laetrile, 714X, Hoxsey, colonics, chelation and ozone-none of which worked for her.
Then she devised her own plan, which consisted of ten steps:
1) Totally vegan, low protein, fresh fruits, grains and vegetables
2) 75-80% raw foods (for enzymes)
3) Carrots, oranges and apples
4) Exercise to oxygenate the body and eliminate toxins and cholesterol
5) Ten glasses of water a day to decrease blood pressure and reduce allergies
6) Enjoying the outdoors and getting sunlight (she said tumors got twice as hard indoors)
7) Avoidance of caffeine and sugar
8) Not eating foods with labels
9) Reducing stress and getting lots of rest
10) Prayer
Within eight months her tumor shrank and she was completely well in eighteen months. A very upbeat character. She has written at least one book.
Dr. Frederic Douwes, Klinik St. Georg (Germany) spoke about the use of PDT (photodynamic therapy), microwave and radiofrequency hyperthermia. Tumor cells are heat sensitive and can be destroyed by heat. They use super infrared, interstitial short wave brachytherapy as well. They have combined hyperthermia and Govallo. 20-30 patients with brain tumors have benefited from these therapies. With pancreatic patients, they use hyperthermia and low dose chemotherapy as well as complementary therapy. This clinic does offer healthy food. He said they do well with non-small cell lung cancer, cervical, breast and prostrate.
Ann’s NOTE: See the section under Meeting Summaries for a talk by Dr. George O’Oclock. A link to the Klinik is under Gerson and Other Clinics section.
Russel Reiter, PhD ([email protected]) spoke about his work with melatonin. It is derived from the pineal gland. Some people need more than others do. Your genes determine how much any individual needs. The pineal gland responds to light, which can alter the circadian clock and suppress the actions of the pineal gland. Light does interfere with production of melatonin.
Melatonin can help limit the growth of tumors. Women with estrogen-positive breast tumors tend to have attenuated melatonin compared to same age healthy women. He postulates a relationship between melatonin and breast, prostate and hepatoma patients. Melatonin can scavenge free radicals and may be more effective than anti-oxidants.
Some foods can provide melatonin: oats, sweet corn, rice, ginger and bananas were mentioned. In terms of light, a red light will not interfere in production of melatonin. Melatonin could be used with Adriamycin and cisplatin (two chemo drugs) but it may reduce the effect of radiation therapy. He personally takes 3 mgs per night but has taken up to 300 mgs with no ill effects. He suggested that good sources of Melatonin come from Nature’s Way, Source Natural, Nutricology and NatureMade.
Ann’s NOTE: See Ann’s Bio for her use of Melatonin. Also, he will be a speaker at a workshop on Circadian Rhythm in March 2000 sponsored by the National Action Plan on Breast Cancer.
This organization has an annual meeting where speakers talk about some of the clinics and hospitals offering “alternative” therapies. They also run a clinic tour where people are driven from one clinic to another, meet patients and view the facilities. Here are some excerpts:
Dr. Aristo Vojdani, MD suggested that two major causes of cancer are smoking and diet. He stressed the use of antioxidants-Vit. C, E. selenium and Vit. A/carotenes, suggesting that they could improve natural killer (NK) cells. Much of his presentation was focused on dietary changes and the results achievable. Contact him at (310) 657-1077 in Beverly Hills, CA.
Dr. Michael Bennett of the University of CA, SF Pharm talked about flaxseeds suggesting that the golden seeds were of greater value than the brown ones. ¼ cup per day contains enough lignans needed for cardiovascular problems as well as prevention/treatment of breast cancer. He said it might also help with hot flashes. You need to grind the seeds until fine before using- you can safely grind a 5-day supply if it is stored in the refrigerator. He mentioned a company that offered gold flaxseeds-Heintzman Farms, (877) 439-7611 or
Dr. Samuel Epstein spoke about the cancer epidemic. He is the author of several books including “The Politics of Cancer”. He suggested that water, consumer products, the workplace and other environmental issues contribute enormously to the problems. He mentioned studies that demonstrate that aspirin acts as a COX2 inhibitor and can reduce breast cancer risk if taken 3 times a day for five years. (1966 study showed 30% reduction).
He also argued against pre-menopausal mammography, since it is not very valid due to dense breast tissue, and exposes women to ionizing radiation unnecessarily. He also suggests avoiding or reducing use of alcohol, giving up smoking, not using dark hair dyes and emphasized exercise. He spoke against using long-term oral contraceptives, use of hormone replacement therapy, use of anti-hypertensives, silicone-gel breast implants, diet high in animal fats and dairy products containing rBGH (bovine growth hormone), and warned of the dangers of household chemicals.
Ann’s NOTE: See the section under environment that offers alternatives to commercial cleaning products.
Peter Chowka, a journalist spoke about the powerful, anecdotal evidence of the efficacy of the Hoxsey formula and Centro BioMedico (a treatment center). He mentioned that the University of Texas/Alt Med Ctr. offers information on this.
Hospital Santa Monica-Dr. Kurt Donsbach discussed the therapies offered at his clinic which includes cartilage, oxygen therapy, Rife, IP6, Resveratrol (grape seed extract anti-oxidant), Arginine, Curcumin, NTO and lactoferrin. He told the audience that arginine inhibits tumor growth and can prevent liver/kidney metastasis. Curcumin is good for colon cancer and is an inhibitor of tumor promotion, reducing incidence of adenomas (non-malignant tumors). Lactoferrin is said to reduce free iron in the blood and prevent metastases, good for pancreatic cancer and leukemia.
NTO can fill a growth receptor site on a cancer cell, but it must be taken for life. He also mentioned CoQq10, Lycopene, Genistein, Vitamin D, Retinoic Acid (a form of Vitamin A), Melatonin, DHEA, Green Tea extract, Germanium, hyperthermia, UV irradiation of the blood, bio-magnets and oxygen therapy.
Ann’s NOTE: The cost of these treatment may add up to quite a lot of money and is probably not reimbursable. Many of the things he mentions ARE known to be cancer fighters. Donsbach tends to talk in terms of cure. Nowadays we consider that cancer can be treated as a chronic disease but needs constant attention. (No longer in business)
American Metabolic Institute-Dr. Geronimo Rubio told the audience that they offer the Rife frequency generator, sometimes in conjunction with low dose radiation (1/10 of the usual amount). They have used chemotherapy as well. A poultice of green cabbage leaves can remove radiation toxins. He said that a bath of sea salt or sodium bicarbonate, ginger and IV EDTA (chelation) would help rid the body of toxins from chemotherapy. They also use an autologous vaccine therapy (from patient’s own blood, urine or tumor tissue) given intravenously for five years or more. Enzymes are also used. There is a strong focus on diet, both macrobiotic and blood type. Coffee enemas and colonics are given. Colostrum is used to protect the intestines. They also use herbs such as Cat’s Claw, Essiac. Cuachalate tea (check out, a hormone blocker and Pau D’Arco.
There are other therapies offered at this clinic as well including lipids, oxygen, Laetrile, shark cartilage, peptides and Clodronate (a treatment for bone mets) with Poly-MVA. They teach patients to use visualization, believe in ultrasounds and do both a DNA and the AMAS test.
Ann’s NOTE: AMAS is a blood test that is said to be predictive of cancer up to 18 months. Blood is sent to Boston for this test. Patient or doctor has to call for a special kit. See Ann’s Bio for some of my take on this.
Daniel Nadeau ([email protected]) spoke about the importance of intestinal health for overall well being. Nutraflora FOS, a substrate for bifidobacteria, can lower cholesterol and prevent tumors. He said that short-chained FOS can improve mineral and bone absorption.
An enema with scFOX can be particularly helpful in reducing inflammation, but suggested that fiber is better than relying on enemas. FOS is in many Japanese foods. It is beneficial for osteoporosis, liver and renal disease, and useful after chemotherapy and radiation. He said that the product Ensure with FOS is useful and is sold as a supplement at health food stores.
Elaine Teune, a resource person, spoke about a Rife machine she considers superior to most on the market today. It is called Biotec 2000. She mentioned a metabolic testing kit that sells for $79.95 and helps you determine what supplements you need.
Frank Schallenberger, MD of Carson City, NV has been working with ozone therapy for twenty years. He said it was inexpensive, but should not be used as a primary cancer therapy. He suggested it would be helpful before and after chemotherapy since it can increase tissue oxidation, and is alkalizing. He said it was helpful for lung, vaginal, rectal and bladder cancer. He also works by injecting ozone into parts of the body.
This is called Major Auto Hemotherapy (MAH). It is intra-muscular (IM), re-infused blood into the body or by intravenous ozonated saline. This therapy was said to help people with diabetes, hepatitis, chronic fibromyalgia, acute infections, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular, osteoarthritis, chronic pain syndromes and gangrene. (570) 524-5004
Hal Huggins, DDS of Colorado Springs, CO is well known for his championship of removing mercury fillings. He had or has a laboratory that used blood samples to tell patients what materials to avoid when having cavities filled. He said to avoid gold and nickel crowns. Also not to use copper in the mouth. He referred the audience to Dr. Morales of Puerto Vallarta for a removal program at a cost of $3000.
Dr. Douglas Brody of Reno, NV spoke about compassionate care. He discussed his protocol which consists of infusions: sterile water, Potassium chloride, Magnesium sulfate, Selenium, Manganese, Glutathione, Germanium, Zinc, Chromium, Molybdenum, Folic Acid, B complex, Pyridoxine, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium, Gluconate and Cyanosoblamin (??). He adds DMSO for brain and leukemia patients. He also gives super C infusions consisting of dextrose and beet-derived C, Calcium gluconate, Magnesium sulfate, Potassium chloride, Sodium bicarbonate. He also gives insulin prior to these Super C infusions. Insulin apparently acts to enhance the activity and transport of the infusion. Higher blood sugar will nullify those effects. Cancer cells like glucose and do not like potassium.
For oral supplements, he recommends: Multivitamin B complex, glutathione, selenium, Vitamin C (6,000-12,000 mgs) in divided dosage, Beta 1, 3 glucan (one cap twice a day), IP6 (2 caps 3 times daily before meals), Amygdalin (500mgs 3 times daily with meals-this is also known as Laetrile), hydrazine sulfate Ann’s NOTE: Please see the section on hydrazine sulfate under Consumer’s View of Alt Med for the many foods to avoid when using hydrazine sulfate), pycnogenol, thymus, CoQ10, and Vitamin E.
For lymphoma patients he adds Butyrate (Butyrex) 2 caps three times with meals. For melanoma he adds azelaic acid (1.5 mg four times a day with meals), interferon injection, Butyrate and L-Carnitine (one cap three times a day). Azelaic acid is non-toxic, being studied in Italy and works by inhibiting tyrosine; it is used in conjunction with L-Carnitine. Glutathione restores liver function, which enhances detox and the immune system.
Dan Rogers, MD, ISSELS/CHIPSA (Gerson Research Organization) reported using urea/creatine by injection directly into the tumor site. They are also using a hyperbaric chamber. For Hodgkin’s and thyroid patients, they are using the Issels vaccine therapy as well as Govallo VG 1000 as a vaccine. Coley’s toxins are given to speed up a fever reaction. Other protocol substances include high Potassium, cod liver oil, raw fruits and vegetables, enzymes and chelation. Dr. Rogers stated that they are having good success in reducing tumors in melanoma, breast, astrocytoma and lymphoma patients, claiming a 28% overall patient survival rate which includes many Stage3 and 4 patients. (Dr. Rogers is no longer associated with CHIPSA)
Ann’s NOTE: See the section labeled Gerson Clinic/Mexico in which I describe my 1996 stay at this clinic, there is also a link to it.
Stanley Jacob of Health Sciences University, Portland, OR. is known as the “father of DMSO”. He was given the Humanitarian award by the Cancer Control Society. There are now over 55,000 articles on DMSO but it is still not recognized as a valuable substance by “the establishment”.
He told the audience that DMSO can help Alzheimer patients, stroke and spinal cord injuries. Of 20 patients with head injuries, fourteen survived. Jacobs says he has helped two patients in situations similar to Chris Reeves who walked out after being treated by DMSO shortly after their accidents. The major component of DMSO is demethylsulfone, which is converted into MSM. MSM is a nutritional supplement that relieves pain and reduces inflammation. DMSO is the premier maturation agent for malignant cells and ‘pushes’ them along to become normal. In rodents, MSM delayed the onset of cancer. DMSO can last a long time but must not be exposed to sunlight. In response to a question from the audience, he said DMSO could carry herbs if their molecular weight was under 1000.
Arthur Alexander spoke about Hans Nieper’s work and the importance of maintaining mineral transport balance. Using Potassium, Magnesium, Aspartic acid, and Selenium. He also mentioned sereptase enzymes, Laetrile, squaline (shark liver oil), bezaldehyde and Venus Fly trap (Carnivora).
Ann’s NOTE: Hans Nieper was a German physician who ran a clinic that treated cancer patients with much success.
Dr. Lorraine Day is an orthopedic surgeon at the University of California, SF who was diagnosed in 1992 with invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. She tried many different approaches including a vegetarian diet and juicing. She got a recurrence and her tumor grew to the size of a grapefruit. She then tried the (Charlotte) Gerson approach, macrobiotics, high-dose Laetrile, 714X, Hoxsey, colonics, chelation and ozone-none of which worked for her.
Then she devised her own plan, which consisted of ten steps:
1) Totally vegan, low protein, fresh fruits, grains and vegetables
2) 75-80% raw foods (for enzymes)
3) Carrots, oranges and apples
4) Exercise to oxygenate the body and eliminate toxins and cholesterol
5) Ten glasses of water a day to decrease blood pressure and reduce allergies
6) Enjoying the outdoors and getting sunlight (she said tumors got twice as hard indoors)
7) Avoidance of caffeine and sugar
8) Not eating foods with labels
9) Reducing stress and getting lots of rest
10) Prayer
Within eight months her tumor shrank and she was completely well in eighteen months. A very upbeat character. She has written at least one book.
Dr. Frederic Douwes, Klinik St. Georg (Germany) spoke about the use of PDT (photodynamic therapy), microwave and radiofrequency hyperthermia. Tumor cells are heat sensitive and can be destroyed by heat. They use super infrared, interstitial short wave brachytherapy as well. They have combined hyperthermia and Govallo. 20-30 patients with brain tumors have benefited from these therapies. With pancreatic patients, they use hyperthermia and low dose chemotherapy as well as complementary therapy. This clinic does offer healthy food. He said they do well with non-small cell lung cancer, cervical, breast and prostrate.
Ann’s NOTE: See the section under Meeting Summaries for a talk by Dr. George O’Oclock. A link to the Klinik is under Gerson and Other Clinics section.
Russel Reiter, PhD ([email protected]) spoke about his work with melatonin. It is derived from the pineal gland. Some people need more than others do. Your genes determine how much any individual needs. The pineal gland responds to light, which can alter the circadian clock and suppress the actions of the pineal gland. Light does interfere with production of melatonin.
Melatonin can help limit the growth of tumors. Women with estrogen-positive breast tumors tend to have attenuated melatonin compared to same age healthy women. He postulates a relationship between melatonin and breast, prostate and hepatoma patients. Melatonin can scavenge free radicals and may be more effective than anti-oxidants.
Some foods can provide melatonin: oats, sweet corn, rice, ginger and bananas were mentioned. In terms of light, a red light will not interfere in production of melatonin. Melatonin could be used with Adriamycin and cisplatin (two chemo drugs) but it may reduce the effect of radiation therapy. He personally takes 3 mgs per night but has taken up to 300 mgs with no ill effects. He suggested that good sources of Melatonin come from Nature’s Way, Source Natural, Nutricology and NatureMade.
Ann’s NOTE: See Ann’s Bio for her use of Melatonin. Also, he will be a speaker at a workshop on Circadian Rhythm in March 2000 sponsored by the National Action Plan on Breast Cancer.