A few of us are here. We are Patient Advocates and we want to help you get through any and every aspect of this disease. This is the transcript.
This is information was offered at the 2022 LBBC Living Beyond Breast Cancer conference for those with Metastatic disease. On Saturday, Suzanne Gauvreau and Ann Fonfa, and on Sunday, we added Shona Levy. We hope you find this information helpful.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:09 AM
According to Medscape (a doctor newsletter) “People who eat at least two servings of avocado per week have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. (Harvard Heart Letter)” I wonder if this would help people damaged by various chemos (thinking specifically of anthracyclines).
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:11 AM
Yes, I should be eating avocado 3-4 times per week then. Anything thtat shows help with the anthracyclines is a bonus since AC is still number one choice for young women with ERPR+
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:22 AM
I will be planting seeds this afternoon for my veggie garden to be
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:23 AM
I found this interesting study on Modified Citrus Pectin which I am currently taking (and took back in the 1997 when told I had metastatic disease). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19061992/
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:26 AM
There is are also several studies on the use of Flavinoids (from foods and Dietary Supplements including epigallocatechin, genistein, and resveratrol) are beneficial for those of us with breast cancer.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:27 AM
I will look up that article, thanks
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:35 AM
the chatter in the private pages I read are showing people with despair. Before they cross the barrier to better outcome when in the midst of treatment or worse, treatment decisions.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:36 AM
The ability to purchase fresh, local produce, hopefully organic, is a first major step to getting the gut into better shape.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:37 AM
Yes, I agree. I also think most of us need probiotics (at least for about 3 months or so). Take a brand that has many different ‘bacteria’ for at least 2 months, then switch to a different brand with different ‘bacteria’ for best outcome.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:39 AM
Which brand(s) have you found was best?
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:39 AM
It’s also important to get or stay physically active. Keeps our lymphatic system (part of our immune system) tuned up. Don’t have to be an athlete, just MOVE. Can raise arms above head daily and wave in the air. If stuck in bed, rotate ankles in as many directions as you can imagine. HELPS.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:41 AM
Yes, movement cannot be emphasized enough, even on a BAD day get some movement increases the body brain and emotions
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:44 AM
Hard to recommend a specific one, especially on this platform.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:45 AM
Correct, probably best to connect with a practitioner
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:48 AM
People can find Naturopathic physicians, or Acupuncturists in their state. These professionals are licensed state by state. Look for the organization that represents them.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:50 AM
If anyone is on Medicare, I inquired this week, acupuncture is reimbursable for 12 treatments and 8 additional if showing improvement for low back pain.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:52 AM
The National Breast Cancer Coalition is trying to get its Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act PASSED this year, to remove the long waiting period to get on Medicare for those who are under the age but NEED it.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:54 AM
Kombucha is easily purchased and as well easy to make at home. Simple sauerkraut, best is fresh fermented, not cooked. Several varieties in grocery stores. Kimchi, any type of fermented veggies, these are more plentiful now in health food and regular stores although I think specialty grocery stores are easiest. Green and brown teas can also be fermented. Yogurt.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 4:20 PM
Very healthy direction. And can be added to any meal. From Library of Medicine: “In terms of subgroup analyses by cancer type, fermented dairy foods intake significantly decreased bladder cancer, colorectal cancer and esophageal cancer risk. In stratified analyses, significantly decreased colorectal cancer risk was found to be associated with cheese intake. Yogurt consumption was significantly decreased bladder cancer and colorectal cancer risk.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 4:20 PM
Here’s the URL https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30374967/
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 4:23 PM
I posted this and many other studies onto Facebook.com/AnnieAppleseedProject page.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 4:24 PM
Yogurt can be used with cereal, fruit, put into smoothies, replace ice cream, used in breads and other bake goods, replace sour cream in recipes. thinner yogurts for drinks, thicker yogurts for recipes. they make great additions to dips or the main ingredient. I rarely use sour cream unless it is gifted to me through a neighborhood site. Anything calling for sour cream is same substitute of yogurt.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 4:25 PM
Think of the Indian lassi and middle eastern yogurt drinks, especially good served along with spicy foods.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 4:27 PM
And all those spices (herbs) are immensely helpful to our human bodies. Giving up salt in favor of the so many wonderful herbs available, may make a difference in health and certainly in taste.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 4:28 PM
Yogurt really ought to be ORGANIC. We support the use of organic foods whenever possible.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 4:28 PM
Grains, think beyond wheat, rice and oats. Barley, quinoa, kashi, amaranth, bulgar, amaranth, farro, more.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 4:29 PM
Thanks for your input.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 4:29 PM
I have been told by many friends it is easy to make your own yogurt at home. I have not tried, perhaps this week for fun
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 4:30 PM
Excellent ideas for our newsletter and also tells readers where we are giving input at these virtual conferences
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:56 AM
Let’s talk about ways to reduce stress. Do you favor Yoga or Meditation? I’ve never really been able to meditate, but I do a bit of yoga each day. Even a bit helps. I love nature and walk outside often (live in Fl).
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:58 AM
Yoga is easier than meditation until you develop a practice style. I agree, being out in nature to sit, walk, breath the air is great for cleansing and spirit.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:59 AM
Focus on finding JOY each day. There is always something to enjoy.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 11:00 AM
Also, mindful breathing. It can help with conversations, stupid comments and other stressful things indoors. Gratitude for something each day, find joy in small things, fresh sheets on bed, new towels, something special to eat, hand, foot massage, massaging your head.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 11:01 AM
Brilliant. Sounds like there are many ways to enjoy life. We ALL need to focus on that.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 11:01 AM
Drinking fresh, filtered water is satisfying and you know that you are doing good for your body
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 9:42 AM
Welcome Sunday morning. Feel free to read the interesting stuff we posted yesterday. There will be three of us to answer any questions.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 9:47 AM
Shona will be with us today, how exciting to hear about the 360 program.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 9:48 AM
Good Morning! Breathe in the inspiration of the day. Embrace your oneness with the community and enjoy the energy you find here. It is truly inspiring! Thank you for joining us!
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 9:50 AM
Thanks for including me in the session today Ann. I will have some delicious recipes to share today. If you are just coming in, tell us what is your favorite food to eat and I will transform it to something that is delicious and helpful for your dietary regimen!
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 9:55 AM
Great. We know from hundreds of studies that WHAT we eat really matters. At every age and stage.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 9:57 AM
All too often the hospital or clinic-based Nutrition advice is far from adequate.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 9:59 AM
I was told, in 1993, that it didn’t matter what I ate. Since then hundreds of new studies indicate the opposite. Yet my hematologist (new cancer in 2019) informed me “it doesn’t matter what you eat”! UGH.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 10:01 AM
Actually, one reason what we eat does matter, has to do with the science of Epigenetics. How our genes change in response to those Lifestyle changes. Physical exercise makes a difference too. And as always, and what Shona pointed to, reducing stress matters a great deal. We all have to deal with it, finding the ways to do so, that’s the challenge for us all.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:07 AM
Often times, eating smaller more frequent meals helps our body, especially when in treatment or in preparation for surgery. The more we help our body gain and retain nutrients the better healing process. think about eating more in the mornings and lunch, less amounts in the evening when the body is promoting deep rest phase and healing during our sleep.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:08 AM
What you eat and when you eat it does make a difference.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:09 AM
Some foods tend to a cleansing effect, others bring nutrients and trace minerals. Learn what these foods are and use them when needed to create and maintain balance. Yoga and meditation change the way the body responds and so does the food you eat.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:13 AM
When deciding between juicing or smoothies, what is the difference and benefits to the body, Shona?
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:19 AM
During my recurrence for triple Negative BC, after my double mastectomy, I utilized Chinese herbs, changed my diet and received frequent acupuncture to help put my body into homeostasis, balance, and keep it there. Finding the best practitioners and affordable made this decision easy for me and I was encouraged by the acupuncture/Chinese medicine/ naturopathic team to keep it up. You definitely need good cheerleaders whatever path you choose.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 10:20 AM
I’ve thought, almost from day one, that COMPLEMENTARY therapies, done during treatment, were the most useful. Nowadays many oncologists agree. Look for those that understand the issues. Less pain and suffering. Less lingering issues with Integrative Oncology.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:21 AM
Prepare your mind and body for the changes in the foods going natural. Less sugar, fat, salt, more fiber, earthly taste as opposed to commercial ingredients and preservatives. back to Nature
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:25 AM
Society for Integrative Oncology https://integrative.org This is a nonprofit and holds an annual conference with significant input and planning from patient advocates. Held in October 2022. See their website for dates and more information.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 10:27 AM
I am the original patient Advocate member of the SIO. Very interesting to watch it expand over these years. More and more cancer hospitals are offering some complementary therapies. So helpful, BEST when done in conjunction and some doctors have failed to grasp that.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:29 AM
Conference held Thursday, Oct 20-22nd, 19th International conference. I have attended several of these through the auspices and coaching of my dear mentor, Ann Fonfa. I find them interesting and challenging to the medical professionals as advocates put them through their paces about various therapies and their inclusion in treatment protocols. Advocates are included n the medical panels.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:33 AM
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health formed in 1991 it is one of the 27 institutes which make up the National Institutes of Health NIH www.nccih.nih.gov
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:35 AM
The better informed patients are, they push the envelope by speaking with their clinicians about using these therapies n conjunction with treatment. Doctors are learning from their patients and some are absorbing and including in their patient care faster than others. Be the patient who speaks up. There are others who simply do not know or are afraid to ask.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 10:36 AM
Hello All! Thank you for joining us! Do you know what is IN-SEASON and why these awesome foods help support the immune system? I am loving this short but powerful presentation. https://youtu.be/B2ExEIuWSO8 Copy and paste this to your You Tube and SAVE it so you can go back to it often.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 10:37 AM
One of our favorite sayings (to medical doctors, if necessary) is “What is your evidence for saying NO?”. All too often they simply don’t know. But evidence is available via the Library of Medicine online. PubMed.Gov (ask anything but oddly don’t use the word ‘and’ in your SEARCH.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:41 AM
For me, cancer is about living my Best life. This has included several times which were more challenging than I wanted or deserved. When I reach the other side of an issue, I always move forward. Many people call me amazing, so much, that I have thought of changing my middle name. Find Joy in each day, BE AMAZING. Be in the know about your body, your mind and your spirit.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:43 AM
Only YOU can make the changes, and YOU can inspire other patients, family members, caregivers, friends to make small yet significant changes to their daily activities and food choices. When you hear no from a source important to you, ask Why? You can do the research and present it to them so they are actually informed of the truth.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:45 AM
Healthy living is for everyone. the standard American diet can be changed person by person, family by family. More people are growing their own food, a major milestone toward better access to healthy foods.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:49 AM
A family or community garden is a wonderful place for everyone to learn how food is grown, what it grows in, healthy soil, the amount of work put into its production, and how good it tastes, freshly harvested, then put into a meal. The nutrients we help put into the soil plus, rain and care provide satisfaction with physical energy expended, friendships developed, and the harvest, enjoyed and shared by all.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 10:50 AM
Yummy Strawberry smoothie recipe. be sure your fruits and veggies are Organic. Check out the Annie Appleseed handout above to find out more! 5 strawberries (including the stems and green leaves), 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon, 1 kiwi, 1 sweet pepper, 1/2 green apple with the skin, 1 pitted Medjool date. Blend with 1 cup distilled water 1 min. scrape down the sides, add a little more water until nice and smooth!
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 10:54 AM
We will be posting onto our Facebook.com/AnnieAppleseedProject page. We post studies and articles, AND recipes, almost daily.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 10:57 AM
You may not want to add pineapples to your smoothie, but you may be able to add pineapple core water! Cut your pineapple into 4 sections and cut out the core. Use the core for soaking in your water bottle or gallon container! That water can be used for your smoothies and juices and even added to your salad and raw food recipes.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 12:11 PM
360! For Life! offers a wonderful collection of interviews with a team of cancer survivors, chronic illness survivors, chefs, medical doctors who discuss health and wellness from
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 12:13 PM
A natural perspective. These survivors and health experts help you gain insight to the natural world.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 2:05 PM
Good afternoon, we have 3 women here who have lots of experience with breast cancer and lifestyle issues. Our all-volunteer nonprofit seeks the evidence (studies) and real life experiences that share our own lives and may make a difference in yours.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 2:23 PM
We put a lot of really good information in this chat. Take a read. And spend some time on Facebook.com/AnnieAppleseedProject where we post studies, articles, recipes and more on an almost daily basis.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 2:29 PM
Here’s another recipe from Shona Levy: “I hope you’re not hungry. There’s a veggie that will fill you up and won’t let you down! Brussel Sprouts! 1 lb brussel sprouts, 1 cup Daikon radish, 1 cup portobello mushrooms, Red Bell pepper, 1 clove fresh garlic crushed and set aside until the end. 1 cooking onion peeled and sliced in pan with 1 TBL Olive oil (do not substitute). Sautee onion on low heat. Cut brussel sprouts in half. Add 1/2 cup water. Cover immediately.”
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 2:29 PM
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 2:36 PM
After about 10 minutes, you can add the mushrooms and the Daikon radish. Sprinkle with 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt, 1 tsp fresh cracked black pepper, 1 tsp Turmeric powder and 1 tsp oregano. Stir and cover for 15 min. Mince the garlic and sprinkle on top & serve.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 2:37 PM
Just back from listening to a session discussing use of liquid biopsies, where the role comes in when new therapies are introduced and patients want to know if they are candidates. It can be frustrating as you wait. In the meantime, join us to hear what you can do personally to help your body deal with cancer
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 2:43 PM
Liquid biopsies are interesting. They were first discussed in posters from Germany at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 1998! What’s the rush to bring them in? Or should I say WHERE is the rush?
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 2:43 PM
We have an approach to wellness that is very effective, fun and delicious all at the same time. Are you exercising? Are you breathing? Are you aware of foods that are harmful and which ones are working to empower your body? How do you manage stress and overwhelm? All this and more in 360! For Life! helping cancer patients and care givers experience a better quality of life. www.calendly.com/360forlifecoaching
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 2:49 PM
For those participants feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information offered, remember all chat feed will be available on the Facebook page for Annie Appleseed Project. Something that clicked or didn’t click for you this weekend may become a major question for you later this week or next month. we are always here, providing up-to-date information
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 2:51 PM
Salads are delicious and filling but watch out for those dressings. Add a simple dressing that is loaded with Vitamin C from the natural source of the citrus or add a mango salsa to give it a wonderful twist! Salad: Greens, a little spinach, cucumber, tomato, mushrooms, sprinkle of hemp seeds. Seasonings can be simple tarragon, thyme, oregano, fresh black pepper. Squeeze fresh 1/2 organic lemon and add a bunch of sprouts on top. Add a bit of lemon zest and make it pop!
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 2:53 PM
Yes, Shona, I try to eat salad at lunch at least 3X a week, sometimes more. Always delicious. Sometimes I just cut up a cucumber, add some grape tomatoes and a beet for lunch nosh with a huumus wrap. I try to eat ORGANIC because it is really healthier.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 2:54 PM
I love citrus on my salads. So light and clean, I can taste every veggie and the wonderful combinations. Organic has the best taste and so fresh
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 2:56 PM
I have planted more than half of my new yard in fruits and veggies, fruit trees, nuts, all types of berries. There is nothing like picking your own cukes and tomatoes, fresh berries and leafy greens. Now is the perfect time to plant and these can all be grown in small containers, no yard necessary .
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 2:57 PM
Your broths can be amazing by just boiling water with Bay Leaf and Rosemary and Sage. It is the growing season, so why not grow your own fresh herbs. Remove the preservatives and pesticides by giving your body fresh and delicious foods straight from your own little garden. To make a broth for your foods, pour your water and drop a few bay leaves in. Add the tops of your celery, carrots, onions and peppers with your spices. Boil. Drain. Season your broth with a little oregano, H. salt and pepper
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 2:58 PM
For more info on vegan lifestyle visit me at www.facebook.com/veganplateplease and check out the Photos section for Recipes and more!
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 2:58 PM
Herbs are super easy to grow, can be outside in summer and bring in over winter. My herbs grow right outside my back door for easy access to my kitchen and meal prep.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 2:59 PM
Herbs- America’s answer to cutting down salt
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 3:01 PM
That is excellent with the gardening, Ann! Yes, I am loving the Lemon Pepper season using the lemon zest and fresh cracked black pepper!
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 3:01 PM
I love the flavors available. Almost all my meals have turmeric because this spice helps with inflammation. All of us with cancer have inflammation. This spice/herb has been in continuous human use for THOUSANDS of years.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 3:03 PM
Want to learn more in a beautiful, supportive setting? Come to our 16th Conference In West Palm Beach Feb 22-24 2024. All organic food served and you can sit next to any speaker or practitioner, they eat the same food right with us.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 3:03 PM
Ancient remedies are very effective and sustainable. Not sure what this new GMO food is doing to us, but it is not good!
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 3:05 PM
Inflammation- it can help the body when you are hurt, but hurt the body when you least expect it, causing all kinds of dis-ease. Learn how to keep inflammation in its place.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 3:05 PM
Apropos of our 15th conference, we have Scholarship funds for people with advanced cancers. Meet many amazing people. and its warm in February.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 3:06 PM
You will hear more from Shona Levy who is SO knowledgeable about food and more. She’s one of our speakers and now serves on our board of directors. We are ALL volunteers.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 3:08 PM
Turmeric, Red Onions, Oregano, Thyme, Papaya, Dates, Brussel sprouts, Broccoli, Cabbage, Mushrooms, Beans, Leeks, Green leafy veggies, Sprouts, Microgreens, Spirulina, Radish, Asparagus, and so many more that have been studied and work to build your immunity to help the body do what it was designed to do to FIGHT for itself! www.Facebook.com/3604life
This is information was offered at the 2022 LBBC Living Beyond Breast Cancer conference for those with Metastatic disease. On Saturday, Suzanne Gauvreau and Ann Fonfa, and on Sunday, we added Shona Levy. We hope you find this information helpful.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:09 AM
According to Medscape (a doctor newsletter) “People who eat at least two servings of avocado per week have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. (Harvard Heart Letter)” I wonder if this would help people damaged by various chemos (thinking specifically of anthracyclines).
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:11 AM
Yes, I should be eating avocado 3-4 times per week then. Anything thtat shows help with the anthracyclines is a bonus since AC is still number one choice for young women with ERPR+
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:22 AM
I will be planting seeds this afternoon for my veggie garden to be
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:23 AM
I found this interesting study on Modified Citrus Pectin which I am currently taking (and took back in the 1997 when told I had metastatic disease). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19061992/
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:26 AM
There is are also several studies on the use of Flavinoids (from foods and Dietary Supplements including epigallocatechin, genistein, and resveratrol) are beneficial for those of us with breast cancer.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:27 AM
I will look up that article, thanks
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:35 AM
the chatter in the private pages I read are showing people with despair. Before they cross the barrier to better outcome when in the midst of treatment or worse, treatment decisions.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:36 AM
The ability to purchase fresh, local produce, hopefully organic, is a first major step to getting the gut into better shape.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:37 AM
Yes, I agree. I also think most of us need probiotics (at least for about 3 months or so). Take a brand that has many different ‘bacteria’ for at least 2 months, then switch to a different brand with different ‘bacteria’ for best outcome.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:39 AM
Which brand(s) have you found was best?
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:39 AM
It’s also important to get or stay physically active. Keeps our lymphatic system (part of our immune system) tuned up. Don’t have to be an athlete, just MOVE. Can raise arms above head daily and wave in the air. If stuck in bed, rotate ankles in as many directions as you can imagine. HELPS.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:41 AM
Yes, movement cannot be emphasized enough, even on a BAD day get some movement increases the body brain and emotions
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:44 AM
Hard to recommend a specific one, especially on this platform.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:45 AM
Correct, probably best to connect with a practitioner
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:48 AM
People can find Naturopathic physicians, or Acupuncturists in their state. These professionals are licensed state by state. Look for the organization that represents them.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:50 AM
If anyone is on Medicare, I inquired this week, acupuncture is reimbursable for 12 treatments and 8 additional if showing improvement for low back pain.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:52 AM
The National Breast Cancer Coalition is trying to get its Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act PASSED this year, to remove the long waiting period to get on Medicare for those who are under the age but NEED it.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:54 AM
Kombucha is easily purchased and as well easy to make at home. Simple sauerkraut, best is fresh fermented, not cooked. Several varieties in grocery stores. Kimchi, any type of fermented veggies, these are more plentiful now in health food and regular stores although I think specialty grocery stores are easiest. Green and brown teas can also be fermented. Yogurt.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 4:20 PM
Very healthy direction. And can be added to any meal. From Library of Medicine: “In terms of subgroup analyses by cancer type, fermented dairy foods intake significantly decreased bladder cancer, colorectal cancer and esophageal cancer risk. In stratified analyses, significantly decreased colorectal cancer risk was found to be associated with cheese intake. Yogurt consumption was significantly decreased bladder cancer and colorectal cancer risk.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 4:20 PM
Here’s the URL https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30374967/
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 4:23 PM
I posted this and many other studies onto Facebook.com/AnnieAppleseedProject page.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 4:24 PM
Yogurt can be used with cereal, fruit, put into smoothies, replace ice cream, used in breads and other bake goods, replace sour cream in recipes. thinner yogurts for drinks, thicker yogurts for recipes. they make great additions to dips or the main ingredient. I rarely use sour cream unless it is gifted to me through a neighborhood site. Anything calling for sour cream is same substitute of yogurt.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 4:25 PM
Think of the Indian lassi and middle eastern yogurt drinks, especially good served along with spicy foods.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 4:27 PM
And all those spices (herbs) are immensely helpful to our human bodies. Giving up salt in favor of the so many wonderful herbs available, may make a difference in health and certainly in taste.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 4:28 PM
Yogurt really ought to be ORGANIC. We support the use of organic foods whenever possible.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 4:28 PM
Grains, think beyond wheat, rice and oats. Barley, quinoa, kashi, amaranth, bulgar, amaranth, farro, more.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 4:29 PM
Thanks for your input.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 4:29 PM
I have been told by many friends it is easy to make your own yogurt at home. I have not tried, perhaps this week for fun
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 4:30 PM
Excellent ideas for our newsletter and also tells readers where we are giving input at these virtual conferences
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:56 AM
Let’s talk about ways to reduce stress. Do you favor Yoga or Meditation? I’ve never really been able to meditate, but I do a bit of yoga each day. Even a bit helps. I love nature and walk outside often (live in Fl).
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 10:58 AM
Yoga is easier than meditation until you develop a practice style. I agree, being out in nature to sit, walk, breath the air is great for cleansing and spirit.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 10:59 AM
Focus on finding JOY each day. There is always something to enjoy.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 11:00 AM
Also, mindful breathing. It can help with conversations, stupid comments and other stressful things indoors. Gratitude for something each day, find joy in small things, fresh sheets on bed, new towels, something special to eat, hand, foot massage, massaging your head.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 23, 11:01 AM
Brilliant. Sounds like there are many ways to enjoy life. We ALL need to focus on that.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 23, 11:01 AM
Drinking fresh, filtered water is satisfying and you know that you are doing good for your body
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 9:42 AM
Welcome Sunday morning. Feel free to read the interesting stuff we posted yesterday. There will be three of us to answer any questions.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 9:47 AM
Shona will be with us today, how exciting to hear about the 360 program.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 9:48 AM
Good Morning! Breathe in the inspiration of the day. Embrace your oneness with the community and enjoy the energy you find here. It is truly inspiring! Thank you for joining us!
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 9:50 AM
Thanks for including me in the session today Ann. I will have some delicious recipes to share today. If you are just coming in, tell us what is your favorite food to eat and I will transform it to something that is delicious and helpful for your dietary regimen!
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 9:55 AM
Great. We know from hundreds of studies that WHAT we eat really matters. At every age and stage.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 9:57 AM
All too often the hospital or clinic-based Nutrition advice is far from adequate.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 9:59 AM
I was told, in 1993, that it didn’t matter what I ate. Since then hundreds of new studies indicate the opposite. Yet my hematologist (new cancer in 2019) informed me “it doesn’t matter what you eat”! UGH.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 10:01 AM
Actually, one reason what we eat does matter, has to do with the science of Epigenetics. How our genes change in response to those Lifestyle changes. Physical exercise makes a difference too. And as always, and what Shona pointed to, reducing stress matters a great deal. We all have to deal with it, finding the ways to do so, that’s the challenge for us all.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:07 AM
Often times, eating smaller more frequent meals helps our body, especially when in treatment or in preparation for surgery. The more we help our body gain and retain nutrients the better healing process. think about eating more in the mornings and lunch, less amounts in the evening when the body is promoting deep rest phase and healing during our sleep.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:08 AM
What you eat and when you eat it does make a difference.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:09 AM
Some foods tend to a cleansing effect, others bring nutrients and trace minerals. Learn what these foods are and use them when needed to create and maintain balance. Yoga and meditation change the way the body responds and so does the food you eat.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:13 AM
When deciding between juicing or smoothies, what is the difference and benefits to the body, Shona?
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:19 AM
During my recurrence for triple Negative BC, after my double mastectomy, I utilized Chinese herbs, changed my diet and received frequent acupuncture to help put my body into homeostasis, balance, and keep it there. Finding the best practitioners and affordable made this decision easy for me and I was encouraged by the acupuncture/Chinese medicine/ naturopathic team to keep it up. You definitely need good cheerleaders whatever path you choose.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 10:20 AM
I’ve thought, almost from day one, that COMPLEMENTARY therapies, done during treatment, were the most useful. Nowadays many oncologists agree. Look for those that understand the issues. Less pain and suffering. Less lingering issues with Integrative Oncology.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:21 AM
Prepare your mind and body for the changes in the foods going natural. Less sugar, fat, salt, more fiber, earthly taste as opposed to commercial ingredients and preservatives. back to Nature
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:25 AM
Society for Integrative Oncology https://integrative.org This is a nonprofit and holds an annual conference with significant input and planning from patient advocates. Held in October 2022. See their website for dates and more information.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 10:27 AM
I am the original patient Advocate member of the SIO. Very interesting to watch it expand over these years. More and more cancer hospitals are offering some complementary therapies. So helpful, BEST when done in conjunction and some doctors have failed to grasp that.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:29 AM
Conference held Thursday, Oct 20-22nd, 19th International conference. I have attended several of these through the auspices and coaching of my dear mentor, Ann Fonfa. I find them interesting and challenging to the medical professionals as advocates put them through their paces about various therapies and their inclusion in treatment protocols. Advocates are included n the medical panels.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:33 AM
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health formed in 1991 it is one of the 27 institutes which make up the National Institutes of Health NIH www.nccih.nih.gov
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:35 AM
The better informed patients are, they push the envelope by speaking with their clinicians about using these therapies n conjunction with treatment. Doctors are learning from their patients and some are absorbing and including in their patient care faster than others. Be the patient who speaks up. There are others who simply do not know or are afraid to ask.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 10:36 AM
Hello All! Thank you for joining us! Do you know what is IN-SEASON and why these awesome foods help support the immune system? I am loving this short but powerful presentation. https://youtu.be/B2ExEIuWSO8 Copy and paste this to your You Tube and SAVE it so you can go back to it often.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 10:37 AM
One of our favorite sayings (to medical doctors, if necessary) is “What is your evidence for saying NO?”. All too often they simply don’t know. But evidence is available via the Library of Medicine online. PubMed.Gov (ask anything but oddly don’t use the word ‘and’ in your SEARCH.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:41 AM
For me, cancer is about living my Best life. This has included several times which were more challenging than I wanted or deserved. When I reach the other side of an issue, I always move forward. Many people call me amazing, so much, that I have thought of changing my middle name. Find Joy in each day, BE AMAZING. Be in the know about your body, your mind and your spirit.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:43 AM
Only YOU can make the changes, and YOU can inspire other patients, family members, caregivers, friends to make small yet significant changes to their daily activities and food choices. When you hear no from a source important to you, ask Why? You can do the research and present it to them so they are actually informed of the truth.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:45 AM
Healthy living is for everyone. the standard American diet can be changed person by person, family by family. More people are growing their own food, a major milestone toward better access to healthy foods.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 10:49 AM
A family or community garden is a wonderful place for everyone to learn how food is grown, what it grows in, healthy soil, the amount of work put into its production, and how good it tastes, freshly harvested, then put into a meal. The nutrients we help put into the soil plus, rain and care provide satisfaction with physical energy expended, friendships developed, and the harvest, enjoyed and shared by all.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 10:50 AM
Yummy Strawberry smoothie recipe. be sure your fruits and veggies are Organic. Check out the Annie Appleseed handout above to find out more! 5 strawberries (including the stems and green leaves), 1/2 fresh squeezed lemon, 1 kiwi, 1 sweet pepper, 1/2 green apple with the skin, 1 pitted Medjool date. Blend with 1 cup distilled water 1 min. scrape down the sides, add a little more water until nice and smooth!
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 10:54 AM
We will be posting onto our Facebook.com/AnnieAppleseedProject page. We post studies and articles, AND recipes, almost daily.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 10:57 AM
You may not want to add pineapples to your smoothie, but you may be able to add pineapple core water! Cut your pineapple into 4 sections and cut out the core. Use the core for soaking in your water bottle or gallon container! That water can be used for your smoothies and juices and even added to your salad and raw food recipes.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 12:11 PM
360! For Life! offers a wonderful collection of interviews with a team of cancer survivors, chronic illness survivors, chefs, medical doctors who discuss health and wellness from
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 12:13 PM
A natural perspective. These survivors and health experts help you gain insight to the natural world.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 2:05 PM
Good afternoon, we have 3 women here who have lots of experience with breast cancer and lifestyle issues. Our all-volunteer nonprofit seeks the evidence (studies) and real life experiences that share our own lives and may make a difference in yours.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 2:23 PM
We put a lot of really good information in this chat. Take a read. And spend some time on Facebook.com/AnnieAppleseedProject where we post studies, articles, recipes and more on an almost daily basis.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 2:29 PM
Here’s another recipe from Shona Levy: “I hope you’re not hungry. There’s a veggie that will fill you up and won’t let you down! Brussel Sprouts! 1 lb brussel sprouts, 1 cup Daikon radish, 1 cup portobello mushrooms, Red Bell pepper, 1 clove fresh garlic crushed and set aside until the end. 1 cooking onion peeled and sliced in pan with 1 TBL Olive oil (do not substitute). Sautee onion on low heat. Cut brussel sprouts in half. Add 1/2 cup water. Cover immediately.”
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 2:29 PM
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 2:36 PM
After about 10 minutes, you can add the mushrooms and the Daikon radish. Sprinkle with 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt, 1 tsp fresh cracked black pepper, 1 tsp Turmeric powder and 1 tsp oregano. Stir and cover for 15 min. Mince the garlic and sprinkle on top & serve.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 2:37 PM
Just back from listening to a session discussing use of liquid biopsies, where the role comes in when new therapies are introduced and patients want to know if they are candidates. It can be frustrating as you wait. In the meantime, join us to hear what you can do personally to help your body deal with cancer
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 2:43 PM
Liquid biopsies are interesting. They were first discussed in posters from Germany at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 1998! What’s the rush to bring them in? Or should I say WHERE is the rush?
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 2:43 PM
We have an approach to wellness that is very effective, fun and delicious all at the same time. Are you exercising? Are you breathing? Are you aware of foods that are harmful and which ones are working to empower your body? How do you manage stress and overwhelm? All this and more in 360! For Life! helping cancer patients and care givers experience a better quality of life. www.calendly.com/360forlifecoaching
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 2:49 PM
For those participants feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information offered, remember all chat feed will be available on the Facebook page for Annie Appleseed Project. Something that clicked or didn’t click for you this weekend may become a major question for you later this week or next month. we are always here, providing up-to-date information
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 2:51 PM
Salads are delicious and filling but watch out for those dressings. Add a simple dressing that is loaded with Vitamin C from the natural source of the citrus or add a mango salsa to give it a wonderful twist! Salad: Greens, a little spinach, cucumber, tomato, mushrooms, sprinkle of hemp seeds. Seasonings can be simple tarragon, thyme, oregano, fresh black pepper. Squeeze fresh 1/2 organic lemon and add a bunch of sprouts on top. Add a bit of lemon zest and make it pop!
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 2:53 PM
Yes, Shona, I try to eat salad at lunch at least 3X a week, sometimes more. Always delicious. Sometimes I just cut up a cucumber, add some grape tomatoes and a beet for lunch nosh with a huumus wrap. I try to eat ORGANIC because it is really healthier.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 2:54 PM
I love citrus on my salads. So light and clean, I can taste every veggie and the wonderful combinations. Organic has the best taste and so fresh
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 2:56 PM
I have planted more than half of my new yard in fruits and veggies, fruit trees, nuts, all types of berries. There is nothing like picking your own cukes and tomatoes, fresh berries and leafy greens. Now is the perfect time to plant and these can all be grown in small containers, no yard necessary .
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 2:57 PM
Your broths can be amazing by just boiling water with Bay Leaf and Rosemary and Sage. It is the growing season, so why not grow your own fresh herbs. Remove the preservatives and pesticides by giving your body fresh and delicious foods straight from your own little garden. To make a broth for your foods, pour your water and drop a few bay leaves in. Add the tops of your celery, carrots, onions and peppers with your spices. Boil. Drain. Season your broth with a little oregano, H. salt and pepper
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 2:58 PM
For more info on vegan lifestyle visit me at www.facebook.com/veganplateplease and check out the Photos section for Recipes and more!
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 2:58 PM
Herbs are super easy to grow, can be outside in summer and bring in over winter. My herbs grow right outside my back door for easy access to my kitchen and meal prep.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 2:59 PM
Herbs- America’s answer to cutting down salt
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 3:01 PM
That is excellent with the gardening, Ann! Yes, I am loving the Lemon Pepper season using the lemon zest and fresh cracked black pepper!
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 3:01 PM
I love the flavors available. Almost all my meals have turmeric because this spice helps with inflammation. All of us with cancer have inflammation. This spice/herb has been in continuous human use for THOUSANDS of years.
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 3:03 PM
Want to learn more in a beautiful, supportive setting? Come to our 16th Conference In West Palm Beach Feb 22-24 2024. All organic food served and you can sit next to any speaker or practitioner, they eat the same food right with us.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 3:03 PM
Ancient remedies are very effective and sustainable. Not sure what this new GMO food is doing to us, but it is not good!
Annie Appleseed Project Booth Rep – Suzanne Gauvreau
Apr 24, 3:05 PM
Inflammation- it can help the body when you are hurt, but hurt the body when you least expect it, causing all kinds of dis-ease. Learn how to keep inflammation in its place.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 3:05 PM
Apropos of our 15th conference, we have Scholarship funds for people with advanced cancers. Meet many amazing people. and its warm in February.
Annie Appleseed Booth Rep – Ann Fonfa
Apr 24, 3:06 PM
You will hear more from Shona Levy who is SO knowledgeable about food and more. She’s one of our speakers and now serves on our board of directors. We are ALL volunteers.
Shona Levy
Apr 24, 3:08 PM
Turmeric, Red Onions, Oregano, Thyme, Papaya, Dates, Brussel sprouts, Broccoli, Cabbage, Mushrooms, Beans, Leeks, Green leafy veggies, Sprouts, Microgreens, Spirulina, Radish, Asparagus, and so many more that have been studied and work to build your immunity to help the body do what it was designed to do to FIGHT for itself! www.Facebook.com/3604life
Apr 24, 3:10 PM
Your body is built with an amazing fighting mechanism that was designed to protect you. Fuel it with the good stuff! You can do this!! www.cancerbegoneseries.com
Thanks for joining us, this discussion was great. Lots of tips and excellent ideas.
Your body is built with an amazing fighting mechanism that was designed to protect you. Fuel it with the good stuff! You can do this!! www.cancerbegoneseries.com
Thanks for joining us, this discussion was great. Lots of tips and excellent ideas.
Cancer Types
- Bladder cancer
- Brain Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Endometrial Cancer
- GIST/Endocrine Cancer
- Head and Neck Cancer (including tongue)
- Kidney Cancer
- Leukemia
- Liver Cancer
- Lung Cancer (NSCLC and Small cell)
- Lymphoma
- Melanoma
- Mesothelioma
- Multiple Myeloma
- Ovarian Cancer (Gyn cancers)
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Skin cancer (except Melanoma)
- Testicular Cancer