The most recent postings are on top. Start at the bottom for early stuff from Ann Fonfa.
I returned to the osteopath who had been working on the arm. In one treatment the pain mostly left. I am able to lift the arm almost straight up. Three treatments have been done. I probably need at least one more. However an amazing thing did happen as a result of treatment. I have been experiencing a lot of gastric/esophageal problems. Many things in my life conspired to cause a ‘sore’ area. My Chinese herbalist, George Wong, Ph.D. suggested it was Barrett’s Esophagus – a pre-cancer situation.
I happened to mention it to the osteopath, Dr. Stanley Wisnioksi. He did some manipulation to my diaphragm/solar plexus. That night I fell asleep more easily than usual. I awoke in the night (not sure when) to a whooshing sound and a pop (like from an airhole in a whale, or so it seemed to me in the night). I knew immediately that my esophagus was better. It is now three nights later and indeed I feel much better. The pain/discomfort in my throat – chest area had been keeping me awake for hours – it felt like my esophagus jumped when I lay down. Now that is gone. I still feel some awareness after taking the multitude of vitamins at night. I probably should chop them up….
Left arm situation still very difficult. It hurts a lot doing basic activities. I feel like it is not in the correct position. Unfortunately I think the osteopath who last worked on me, put it OUT of alignment. I have not contacted him – find any personal confrontations difficult. A laughable situation from a woman who is a dedicated activist. But personal stuff seems so different!
I am taking herbs for my esophageal discomforts – the Chinese herbalist thinks it is Barrett’s Esophagus (can lead to cancer of the throat) so I have been using the herbs for about six months, off and on. It is helping but I still get random symptoms like a ‘jump’ in my throat; a feeling of having a bubble in my throat that I cannot pop, a small, occasional acid taste, and sometimes a difficult swallowing my packet of tablets, gelcaps and other supplements. My friend who is an acupuncturist suggested cabbage and sauerkraut daily. I have both in the house.
Spent three weeks in India from January 24-February 13. I had been invited to speak at a conference on Complementary Cancer Management. It turned out I was the only Westerner and only woman on the dias. In order to go, I had to be well. (For me this mostly means able to go to the bathroom – an ongoing issue for the past forty years).
Well, I now believe the perfect blending of mind/body/spirit took place. I had NO health issues at all in India, loved the food, went to the bathroom (#2) daily minimum of once but usually thrice. Go figure. Even being in the tour bus, train, plane or whatever did not make me falter for a moment.
Upon my return I thought the problem might recur, but I have been very healthy. However I am out of my Usuana Health Pak 100 (multivitamin) and won’t get the next round for at least three more days. I am trying to hold onto my gains but I do believe the vitamins help a great deal.
My newest issue is my left arm. I have had lymphedema due to axillary node dissection (surgery under my left armpit to remove lymph nodes) since February 1993. I always feel particularly bad about this since the surgeon failed to discuss this surgery with me. I gave an uninformed consent by signing the paper they wave at you as you sit half naked in their gown just prior to surgery. I had no plans to take chemotherapy (due to chemical sensitivity and watching a beloved uncle fade away in a few weeks with chemo/rads) but never got the chance to tell the surgeon I may not need that surgery. Additionally I didn’t get the chance to tell him that I had a prior injury to the area – would that matter?
So my left arm – I can barely lift it over my head without pain. Since I worked out for years in a variety of ways, using the arm, it is really surprising. I think it started happening a bit back at the end of last year. I jsut thought it was a sore muscle. But it got a lot worse to the degree that I cannot reach behind to tuck in my shirt using my left arm.
After visits to two osteopaths and an acupuncturist, I am doing exercises that may help. One is crawling up the wall which is what people do right after the axillary surgery and which I have not done since 1993.
No cancer issues apparently. I am not currently taking herbs and have not since January.
When I look at the May information I realize that I just ought to have colonics from time to time. I just had one about a week ago and it was really good. Much more came out than in ages. Things are going well.
From time to time I feel a ‘grain of rice’ at the outside edge of my left chest wall. It is not always hard and the two people who read the latest MRI state all results are negative – nothing to see. I am still taking Chinese herbs but not of the cancer-fighting intensity. We are actually working on reducing the lymphedema in my chest wall. Actually that’s one of the reasons I think something was or is still going on. The left chest area just gets worse pretty much all the time. I started wearing a compression vest – an item that apparently came on the market about three years ago – but which somehow I had no clue about it. It helps a bit but today the lumpy area seemed big again.
Otherwise I feel great.
5/31/05 (see 6/26/05 below for further information)
My abdomen had extended quite a bit in April and May. I was NOT going to the bathroom at all (constipated), just doing coffee enemas. Finally I figured out I needed a colonic. Took two several days apart and am now going fairly regularly. I had made the mistake of stopping the usana multivitamin in January. From that time until now, things were pretty bad even when I restarted the multi again in February. Had only a few days a MONTH when I had a normal bowel movement.
Culmination was I thought I felt a tiny lump in the same area as the last one on the chest wall. As I write this, I already have the MRI results – and it was negative. But I was in New York City where all my health providers are in mid-May. I visited Dr. George Wong (PhD and herbalist) for advice. We decided on an herbal plaster for the chest. I also got a prescription for herbs to drink as a tea. I started taking modified citrus pectin (supposedly effective against metastatic cells – shown in prostate at least), and Immpower capsules for my immune system.
Due to my connections I was also able to start taking Ave – food product that will soon be available in the U.S. It comes from Hungary and has good studies showing it helps kill cancer cells. It is a fermented wheat product.
So I started all but the herbal drink on Friday, May 20 AFTER undergoing an MRI of the chest wall. To my great relief, there was no sign of cancer. I feel fairly confident about this procedure as I had it before in 1999 when it showed cancer, and again in 2001 when I was found to be clear.
This all demonstrates that cancer can hang like the famous sword over one’s head. But NO cancer for now.
I still feel something in the chest wall (site of many tiny tumors). I have decided to try to get a second opinion on the MRI. I discovered through speaking with an expert in Radiology/Imaging from OSU. He told me that disks of the MR can actually be sent to a second opinion. Second opinions are almost ALWAYS a good idea. Additionally I am using another few weeks of the chest wall plaster of Chinese herbs, drinking the herbal tea I make every other day AND continuing with Ave and an immune stimulant ImmPower.
The last year was a difficult one for regular bathroom habits. As readers here know, I have been troubled by constipation most of my adult life. At the end of June I began taking a multivitamin that a friend of mine sells. About three days after I started it, I began going to the bathroom each day (at least once). At this point it has been several months and I continued to go each day except for two days ago and the day before that. But back to normal (I mean ‘going’) the last two days.
Unfortunately the multivitamin is a network-marketed product so we cannot really post a link. If anyone really wants to know what I am using, email us.
Still going strong. Lots of energy (everyone tells me I have more than most people). The work of managing the Annie Appleseed Project keeps me busy all the time. I am traveling to a minimum of 8 meetings a year but usually 10+. Money continues to be a difficulty but we hope to find ongoing funding. Donations welcome.
I have not taken any herbs for the last three weeks. It just worked out that way. I will begin again shortly.
I feel fine, I have NO cancer symptoms. I always eat healthy, travel with a huge refrigerated bag and stop off at a local healthfood store in every town.
The most interesting thing is my exercise program. I was NOT born to be an athlete. But over time I have figured out a program that works for me. I do a little different combination of exercises every day. Thanks to my brother, who has always been a champion athlete and his wife, a former Ms. National Fitness, I have learned about some very useful equipment.
I own a Pilates ball. Only mine is oblique – meaning it is like a dumbell and dips down in the middle. Much easier to work with. I have a series of those stretch bands, a hoola hoop, stationery bike and small hand weights. I use my mat for situps, leg lifts, etc.
I simply do whatever combination suits me each day. Oh, and I have taken up bowling something I have not done for about 30 years.
Everything is going well. I still have no new tumors developing after continuous growth from 1995-1999.
I absolutely credit Dr. George Wong, Ph.D. from the Strang Cancer Prevention Center here in New York City, for my recovery.
When I added his herbal formula to my daily regimen, the tumors stopped developing and the existing ones ‘melted’ away.
This was all confirmed by MRI-see other postings on this page.
February 17, 2003
Everything is going well. I am now taking the Chinese herbs 4 days a week. I have no tiny tumors and mostly forget to check my left chest wall as I was doing for almost 5 years!
I feel well, have good energy and strength. But I am having problems again with constipation. I am now taking Triphala at night (an Ayervedic mix of three fruits). This is not a laxative but supposedly helps regulate the digestive system.
It is amazing to me that I can eat tons of fiber foods and still have this problem. I drink at least 11 ounces of water each morning, prior to urination.
I massage my abdomen and upper thighs as I drink. I exercise daily, now using a trampoline every other day while holding hand weights.
I am riding my stationery bike the other days.
And yet, I am having problems with constipation. I do at least one coffee ‘break’ per day. On the mornings when nothing comes out, I do a water enema (usually with a clove of garlic) in it. Then I start my morning exercises of situps and leg lifts.
Oh well.
Almost everything is the same as it was in February. The only difference is I am working more hours on The Annie Appleseed Project, which is now a non-profit corporation in Florida.
All is well in terms of cancer. No new tumors since the MRI of 9/01. At this time I have been battling persistent constipation for the last 8 months or so.
This past week while attending a training program called ‘Food as Medicine’, I heard that it is possible that ovarian cysts can block the digestive pathway. And although constipation has been a ‘constant’ in my life, perhaps cysts are a factor. Both my mother and my sister had hysterectomies due to large cysts. I do not favor any more surgery but I will probably get a test to see if I do indeed have large ovarian cysts.
It is always something.
LINK to article/interview given
May 2005 when I thought I had cancer
I returned to the osteopath who had been working on the arm. In one treatment the pain mostly left. I am able to lift the arm almost straight up. Three treatments have been done. I probably need at least one more. However an amazing thing did happen as a result of treatment. I have been experiencing a lot of gastric/esophageal problems. Many things in my life conspired to cause a ‘sore’ area. My Chinese herbalist, George Wong, Ph.D. suggested it was Barrett’s Esophagus – a pre-cancer situation.
I happened to mention it to the osteopath, Dr. Stanley Wisnioksi. He did some manipulation to my diaphragm/solar plexus. That night I fell asleep more easily than usual. I awoke in the night (not sure when) to a whooshing sound and a pop (like from an airhole in a whale, or so it seemed to me in the night). I knew immediately that my esophagus was better. It is now three nights later and indeed I feel much better. The pain/discomfort in my throat – chest area had been keeping me awake for hours – it felt like my esophagus jumped when I lay down. Now that is gone. I still feel some awareness after taking the multitude of vitamins at night. I probably should chop them up….
Left arm situation still very difficult. It hurts a lot doing basic activities. I feel like it is not in the correct position. Unfortunately I think the osteopath who last worked on me, put it OUT of alignment. I have not contacted him – find any personal confrontations difficult. A laughable situation from a woman who is a dedicated activist. But personal stuff seems so different!
I am taking herbs for my esophageal discomforts – the Chinese herbalist thinks it is Barrett’s Esophagus (can lead to cancer of the throat) so I have been using the herbs for about six months, off and on. It is helping but I still get random symptoms like a ‘jump’ in my throat; a feeling of having a bubble in my throat that I cannot pop, a small, occasional acid taste, and sometimes a difficult swallowing my packet of tablets, gelcaps and other supplements. My friend who is an acupuncturist suggested cabbage and sauerkraut daily. I have both in the house.
Spent three weeks in India from January 24-February 13. I had been invited to speak at a conference on Complementary Cancer Management. It turned out I was the only Westerner and only woman on the dias. In order to go, I had to be well. (For me this mostly means able to go to the bathroom – an ongoing issue for the past forty years).
Well, I now believe the perfect blending of mind/body/spirit took place. I had NO health issues at all in India, loved the food, went to the bathroom (#2) daily minimum of once but usually thrice. Go figure. Even being in the tour bus, train, plane or whatever did not make me falter for a moment.
Upon my return I thought the problem might recur, but I have been very healthy. However I am out of my Usuana Health Pak 100 (multivitamin) and won’t get the next round for at least three more days. I am trying to hold onto my gains but I do believe the vitamins help a great deal.
My newest issue is my left arm. I have had lymphedema due to axillary node dissection (surgery under my left armpit to remove lymph nodes) since February 1993. I always feel particularly bad about this since the surgeon failed to discuss this surgery with me. I gave an uninformed consent by signing the paper they wave at you as you sit half naked in their gown just prior to surgery. I had no plans to take chemotherapy (due to chemical sensitivity and watching a beloved uncle fade away in a few weeks with chemo/rads) but never got the chance to tell the surgeon I may not need that surgery. Additionally I didn’t get the chance to tell him that I had a prior injury to the area – would that matter?
So my left arm – I can barely lift it over my head without pain. Since I worked out for years in a variety of ways, using the arm, it is really surprising. I think it started happening a bit back at the end of last year. I jsut thought it was a sore muscle. But it got a lot worse to the degree that I cannot reach behind to tuck in my shirt using my left arm.
After visits to two osteopaths and an acupuncturist, I am doing exercises that may help. One is crawling up the wall which is what people do right after the axillary surgery and which I have not done since 1993.
No cancer issues apparently. I am not currently taking herbs and have not since January.
When I look at the May information I realize that I just ought to have colonics from time to time. I just had one about a week ago and it was really good. Much more came out than in ages. Things are going well.
From time to time I feel a ‘grain of rice’ at the outside edge of my left chest wall. It is not always hard and the two people who read the latest MRI state all results are negative – nothing to see. I am still taking Chinese herbs but not of the cancer-fighting intensity. We are actually working on reducing the lymphedema in my chest wall. Actually that’s one of the reasons I think something was or is still going on. The left chest area just gets worse pretty much all the time. I started wearing a compression vest – an item that apparently came on the market about three years ago – but which somehow I had no clue about it. It helps a bit but today the lumpy area seemed big again.
Otherwise I feel great.
5/31/05 (see 6/26/05 below for further information)
My abdomen had extended quite a bit in April and May. I was NOT going to the bathroom at all (constipated), just doing coffee enemas. Finally I figured out I needed a colonic. Took two several days apart and am now going fairly regularly. I had made the mistake of stopping the usana multivitamin in January. From that time until now, things were pretty bad even when I restarted the multi again in February. Had only a few days a MONTH when I had a normal bowel movement.
Culmination was I thought I felt a tiny lump in the same area as the last one on the chest wall. As I write this, I already have the MRI results – and it was negative. But I was in New York City where all my health providers are in mid-May. I visited Dr. George Wong (PhD and herbalist) for advice. We decided on an herbal plaster for the chest. I also got a prescription for herbs to drink as a tea. I started taking modified citrus pectin (supposedly effective against metastatic cells – shown in prostate at least), and Immpower capsules for my immune system.
Due to my connections I was also able to start taking Ave – food product that will soon be available in the U.S. It comes from Hungary and has good studies showing it helps kill cancer cells. It is a fermented wheat product.
So I started all but the herbal drink on Friday, May 20 AFTER undergoing an MRI of the chest wall. To my great relief, there was no sign of cancer. I feel fairly confident about this procedure as I had it before in 1999 when it showed cancer, and again in 2001 when I was found to be clear.
This all demonstrates that cancer can hang like the famous sword over one’s head. But NO cancer for now.
I still feel something in the chest wall (site of many tiny tumors). I have decided to try to get a second opinion on the MRI. I discovered through speaking with an expert in Radiology/Imaging from OSU. He told me that disks of the MR can actually be sent to a second opinion. Second opinions are almost ALWAYS a good idea. Additionally I am using another few weeks of the chest wall plaster of Chinese herbs, drinking the herbal tea I make every other day AND continuing with Ave and an immune stimulant ImmPower.
The last year was a difficult one for regular bathroom habits. As readers here know, I have been troubled by constipation most of my adult life. At the end of June I began taking a multivitamin that a friend of mine sells. About three days after I started it, I began going to the bathroom each day (at least once). At this point it has been several months and I continued to go each day except for two days ago and the day before that. But back to normal (I mean ‘going’) the last two days.
Unfortunately the multivitamin is a network-marketed product so we cannot really post a link. If anyone really wants to know what I am using, email us.
Still going strong. Lots of energy (everyone tells me I have more than most people). The work of managing the Annie Appleseed Project keeps me busy all the time. I am traveling to a minimum of 8 meetings a year but usually 10+. Money continues to be a difficulty but we hope to find ongoing funding. Donations welcome.
I have not taken any herbs for the last three weeks. It just worked out that way. I will begin again shortly.
I feel fine, I have NO cancer symptoms. I always eat healthy, travel with a huge refrigerated bag and stop off at a local healthfood store in every town.
The most interesting thing is my exercise program. I was NOT born to be an athlete. But over time I have figured out a program that works for me. I do a little different combination of exercises every day. Thanks to my brother, who has always been a champion athlete and his wife, a former Ms. National Fitness, I have learned about some very useful equipment.
I own a Pilates ball. Only mine is oblique – meaning it is like a dumbell and dips down in the middle. Much easier to work with. I have a series of those stretch bands, a hoola hoop, stationery bike and small hand weights. I use my mat for situps, leg lifts, etc.
I simply do whatever combination suits me each day. Oh, and I have taken up bowling something I have not done for about 30 years.
Everything is going well. I still have no new tumors developing after continuous growth from 1995-1999.
I absolutely credit Dr. George Wong, Ph.D. from the Strang Cancer Prevention Center here in New York City, for my recovery.
When I added his herbal formula to my daily regimen, the tumors stopped developing and the existing ones ‘melted’ away.
This was all confirmed by MRI-see other postings on this page.
February 17, 2003
Everything is going well. I am now taking the Chinese herbs 4 days a week. I have no tiny tumors and mostly forget to check my left chest wall as I was doing for almost 5 years!
I feel well, have good energy and strength. But I am having problems again with constipation. I am now taking Triphala at night (an Ayervedic mix of three fruits). This is not a laxative but supposedly helps regulate the digestive system.
It is amazing to me that I can eat tons of fiber foods and still have this problem. I drink at least 11 ounces of water each morning, prior to urination.
I massage my abdomen and upper thighs as I drink. I exercise daily, now using a trampoline every other day while holding hand weights.
I am riding my stationery bike the other days.
And yet, I am having problems with constipation. I do at least one coffee ‘break’ per day. On the mornings when nothing comes out, I do a water enema (usually with a clove of garlic) in it. Then I start my morning exercises of situps and leg lifts.
Oh well.
Almost everything is the same as it was in February. The only difference is I am working more hours on The Annie Appleseed Project, which is now a non-profit corporation in Florida.
All is well in terms of cancer. No new tumors since the MRI of 9/01. At this time I have been battling persistent constipation for the last 8 months or so.
This past week while attending a training program called ‘Food as Medicine’, I heard that it is possible that ovarian cysts can block the digestive pathway. And although constipation has been a ‘constant’ in my life, perhaps cysts are a factor. Both my mother and my sister had hysterectomies due to large cysts. I do not favor any more surgery but I will probably get a test to see if I do indeed have large ovarian cysts.
It is always something.
LINK to article/interview given
May 2005 when I thought I had cancer